Sunday, December 29, 2024

Make The Democratic Party Great Again


Let's be honest.  The Democratic Party was never really great.  I can say that because so many Democrats are talking about how America was never great.  It was, and it is.  But one day, I'd really like to go into the voting booth and see the names of the Democratic candidate for President and the Republican candidate for President and think to myself, hmmm, I'm choosing this one, but it was a tough choice, because both are pretty solid candidates.  Dream on, right?  But now that Donald Trump has been elected to a second non-consecutive term, a lot of people are pointing fingers and trying to figure out how that could have just happened again.  Well, I'll give you my take on why it happened, and as a bonus, perhaps Democrats can glean some tips to improve their chances of winning in the future.

First and foremost, the mainstream media, celebrities on the Left, and the elite Democrats can kiss their influence goodbye, because this was the most contrived, forced campaign in our nation's history.  These entities acted as one to fake enthusiasm in order to garner support for a horrifyingly terrible candidate.  Honestly, until Joe Biden made it impossible for this cabal to continue denying his decline, nearly no one was excited about Kamala Harris.  She has been an uninspiring Vice President who fumbled most of the tasks she was given, including when she was given the unofficial border czar title, which mainstream media noted well at the time, but then vehemently denied when she became the Democratic nominee for President, a curious decision in the age of the Internet.  The campaign was supposed to be about joy, but it mostly ended up based on stoking fears of what Hitlerian things Trump would do if he got in.  To the credit of VP Harris, she can at least put together semi-coherent sentences and walk without making everyone think she's about to topple over, but she didn't bring much else to the table.

The campaign of fake joy fizzled out as the message instead became about how Trump was a threat to Democracy.  His rally at Madison Square Garden leading up to the election was branded a Nazi rally by the Left, because there was a Nazi rally held there in 1939 or some shit, a tradition that was undoubtedly picked up by Patrick Ewing and John Starks in the 80s and 90s, before again being revived by Trump in 2024 as one of the more pro-Israel Nazi rallies in the history of the world.  Thankfully, the esteemed Oprah Winfrey, a good friend of celebrities of all races who were accused of sexual assault, was there to warn all of us that if we didn't vote for Harris in this election, we may never get the opportunity to cast a ballot again.  Thanks for that, Oprah.  I hope everyone remembers that when we cast a ballot next year, and then in the mid-terms, and the year after that, and then in the 2028 Presidential election, when Trump will not be on the ballot, as he will instead be replaced by a new Hitler, perhaps even a Black, Female, or Jewish version of the Fuhrer.

All that being said, if Trump is really the threat to Democracy that so many are claiming he is, why wouldn't your top priority be to make sure that he never got into office again?  Don't tell me that was your top priority with the way things went down.  Seriously.  You run the addled current President out there, thwarting any serious primary threats, and he insists that he's going to be the nominee again, until he suddenly isn't, and then he's replaced immediately by VP Harris, because she's the one the Democratic elites chose, and she would get to (mis)use all of the campaign money that had already accrued.  That was a real winning strategy if the goal was to raise a Billion dollars and end up $20 Million in debt.  So many better things could have been done with that money, but that's beside the point.  The Democrats squandered a chance to have an open convention, although they probably would have screwed that up too if it came to fruition, because nominating a Centrist candidate who would have likely beat Trump was out of the question.  They couldn't nominate Tulsi Gabbard, or heck, if they were really so worried about Trump as a unique threat, Nikki Haley.  Because it was never about keeping Trump out of office.  It was about getting someone in office who will attempt to ram through a radical Leftist agenda.  Think the Far Left equivalent of whatever Project 2025 was supposed to be.

Speaking of Project 2025, remember how the MSM-Celebrity-Democratic Leftist cabal couldn't stop talking about Trump's Project 2025 plan, despite Trump saying he had no knowledge of it and nothing to do with its formation?  It's good to see they've abandoned those lies now that Trump has been elected, and are now pointing out that Trump said the plan wasn't his in an effort to get him to not implement Project 2025, which was actually developed by a conservative think tank and is now being resurrected by some in the party who want Trump to take on that mantle now that he has been elected.  So much fun.  Frankly, there are some good things in Project 2025, and some bad things, from what I know about it anyway and my own opinions on those subjects, but I certainly haven't read the whole thing, nor do I care to ever do so.  But I would like to remind everyone that Trump was the first President to take office as a supporter of Gay Marriage (Obama did support it in the 2012 campaign, but he pretended not to when he was first elected in 2008).  I don't think President Trump has any interest in removing legal protections for gay marriage, nor contempt for Obergefell.  Furthermore, he said he wouldn't even sign a national ban on abortion, but maintains that it should be decided by the states.

As far as abortion though, where should the line be drawn on that?  Trump doesn't seem to care as deeply about it as many of his fellow Republicans, but he's proud he had a hand in Dobbs overturning Roe, because that doesn't outright ban abortion as some think it did, but it takes the Federal Government out of it.  Kamala and company want to make abortion the law of the land.  They say there aren't frequent cases of late term abortions, and even some cases where babies have been born alive and left to die, but some very basic research will show that they are lying.  If you don't believe me and you're a woman, try inquiring about getting a late term abortion yourself and see how much resistance you're met with.  So, while Trump has essentially taken the very middle-of-the-road stance on abortion, saying it should be left up to the states and that he would not sign a national ban on abortion, Kamala and the Left have not.  They have repeatedly refused to say where the cutoff for an abortion would be.  Certainly not at a biologically sensible place like when the heart is beating.  As Trump asked and failed to get an answer from VP Harris in the debate, how late is too late?  Do we stop at 7 months?  8 months?  9 months?  And I don't want to hear what I always hear when I make that argument- that it should be left up to the woman and her healthcare provider, and that there are cases of rape, incest, and the mother's health.  I'm taking about most abortions that take place, where there has not been rape or incest and where the mother's life is not in danger.  I am fine with exceptions for all three of those things.  And it's medical malpractice that should result in a lawsuit if a doctor ever refuses to end an ectopic pregnancy, whether the doctor is confused about the law or not.  If we need to clarify that, then fine, get Congress to act, and it will have Bipartisan support.  Beyond that though, I hate abortion, and the Federal Government and my tax dollars should have nothing to do with it, regardless of how I feel about it personally.

One thing that everyone should be able to agree on though is the importance of freedom of speech.  Many on the far left and mainstream media wish to shut down views that they disagree with, and even stop non-mainstream reporters that they disagree with from being able to reach people.  If someone brings up reasons why we shouldn't give puberty blockers to children, it's bigoted anti-trans hate speech that should be silenced, rather than, you know, reality and science with studies to back it up, because child abuse is wrong.  Truth be damned, narrative is king.  The mainstream media also goes out of its way to turn the other way on allegations against people named Clinton, Biden, or Harris, but force-fed everyone hit pieces against Trump in the days leading up to the election.  One example was those who said that Trump was threatening to kill Liz Cheney, when he was clearly making the same point that a myriad of Liberals made during the Bush/Cheney administration, that politicians aren't going to war themselves, but are putting others in harm's way.  Heck, some in the media were one small step away from saying that whenever Trump said he would beat Kamala on election day that he clearly really meant that he would physically hit her.  Thankfully, enough people were not stupid enough to believe their lies.

Equally problematic to the lying is the things that are intentionally not reported on in mainstream media, like how Harris seemed to be pro-Israel when speaking in certain places, and anti-Israel when speaking in other places.  And then there's the inconsistency of standards.  For example, the media happily reported that there was no evidence for Trump's claim that some immigrants were eating pets (outside of the people who said they were anyway, I suppose), but also that there was no evidence that Harris lied about working at McDonald's (because a friend of hers recalled her working there).  It would be just easy and make just as much sense for them to say that there was no evidence that immigrants weren't eating pets (seeing as someone said on camera that they were), and no evidence that Harris worked at McDonald's (since McDonald's didn't keep good records then, and they only found one friend of Harris who simply recalls her working there).  It's quite easy to manipulate a story to say what you want it to say, depending on what your end goal is.  Perhaps Harris would have benefited if she went on Joe Rogan's podcast like Trump did, rather than instead asking him to come to her and requesting a reduction from a three-hour to a one-hour interview, although I suspect it would have actually made things worse for her, because the more she talks, the less people like her.

To those people still screaming about how Trump beat Harris because of racism and sexism, give it a rest already.  It's a tired narrative that isn't true, and it isn't winning your side any more votes, no matter how true you think it may be.  I didn't vote for Trump because I am racist or sexist, and the same holds true for most of his voters, including plenty of women and minorities.  A lot of women voted for Trump, and a surprisingly high percentage of Latinos voted for Trump (including a majority of male Latino voters!).  He did better than the average Republicans with African Americans as well.  Perhaps Hispanic/Latino voters don't like being pandered to, and so many I know are smart, hard-working, and family-oriented.  I don't know a single one who uses the term "Latinx" either, which seems to be used most often by "well-educated" white Liberal elites, the same group who is still looking down on Trump voters and haughtily pointing out that those with a college education more often voted for Harris, while the "uneducated" voted more often for Trump.  Yeah, I guess that's how indoctrination in Universities works.  It makes smart people stupid, but they still think everyone else is dumb, just not them.

I'm optimistic that Trump won't anoint himself King, but both Democrats and Republicans must still hold him accountable.  He wants to accomplish so many great things during his next term, and he's nominating a lot of people who will help him fulfill his promises and hit his goals, but Trump remains a deeply flawed human being, as we all are.  Thankfully, Matt Gaetz will not become the Attorney General, but the fact that he was Trump's first pick for that position irks me.  Not everything will be a win, but I like the majority of his cabinet picks, and so many of the things that Trump says he'll do when he gets back into office.  Above all, he's already saved us from a disastrous (shudder) Kamala Harris presidency.  We have a lot to be thankful for going into 2025.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Trump the Left's Lies and Hate

For a third time, I endorse Donald J. Trump for the office of President of the United States, and I want him to win this time more than ever.  We've gone through nearly four years of the Biden/Harris administration, and we've gone through four years of Trump.  During which one were you better off?  Things are unaffordable now, inflation is rampant, there's a constant threat of crazy leftist policies getting enacted (thankfully the House has a razor thin Republican majority), and the rhetoric is worse than ever.

If you listen to Harris, Biden, and the liars they surround themselves with, Trump is a fascist, and he's a threat to Democracy.  He's going to jail his opponents.  He's going to start wars.  He's racist.  His rallies are akin to Nazi rallies.  Yet, when he was President for four years, he was not a fascist, he did not jail his opponents (though his opponents are continuing to try to put him in jail), he's the only President in my lifetime that I remember NOT starting any new wars (though under Biden and Harris, two terrible wars started and continue overseas), his policies have benefited all races, and for someone who's a Nazi (and officially recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel), he sure seems to like Jews a lot.

But January 6th.  Yes, January 6th.  The Democrats are playing their greatest hits.  He sent an angry mob to the Capitol in an attempt to overturn Democracy.  Except everyone knows that isn't what happened.  I don't condone all of his actions and inactions on that day.  And I don't condone a lot of his rhetoric between the 2020 election and that day.  Yes, a lot of things happened that shouldn't have.  Voting in places like Pennsylvania had rule changes of questionable legality, the media went hard for Biden and ran interference on the Hunter Biden laptop story, lampooning it as Russian disinformation as they acted as one with social media to BAN THE FUCKING STORY so as not to damage Biden's chances right before the election.  But, unfortunately, Joe Biden did indeed get more votes than Donald Trump, and he won the election.  End of story.  Trump has claimed otherwise, and whether he's right or wrong, his claims have not been proven, inside or outside of a court of law.  But he didn't send a mob to overturn the results.  Some people got out of hand at the Capitol that day, but he was clear that he wished them to be peaceful.  Unlike the many deaths in previous BLM rioters, those for which Kamala Harris raised bail money to get rioters out of jail, the only death on that day from the riot in D.C. was a woman who entered the Capitol and was shot by a policeman (imagine the cognitive dissidence from the left if Ashli Babbitt was Black).  There were injuries, and a policeman died a few days later from cardiac arrest that does not appear to be related to the riot, but that's not the fabricated story Harris and her supporters tell.

And alongside January 6 on their greatest hits list is Trump's remarks regarding Charlottesville.  Boy do they love the "Good people on both sides" narrative that they just can't quit.  Go listen to the full audio yourself in context.  Seriously.  It's out there if you look a bit.  Then draw your own conclusions rather than adhering to what the Democrats and the mainstream media tell you to think.  When Trump made that remark he was referring to people on both sides of the debate as to whether or not the Robert E. Lee statue should come down, not people on both sides of being a Nazi.  Absurd.  It's no wonder that they're trying to link him to whatever "Project 2025" was supposed to be, which is something he had nothing to do with, as he has repeatedly said, and yet the Democrats and the mainstream media call it his own, while excusing Kamala Harris from owning any of the disasters of the last four years that she was directly responsible for.

Then, of course, we have the out-of-context use of Trump's statements.  The Democrats and the media go out of their way to make what he says sound horrifying.  For example, Trump's comment that he would be a dictator on day one in context (again, look it up and watch and listen to it in context please) was a comment he made regarding closing the border and drilling, and he said other than enacting those things on day one, he would not be a dictator (obviously those two things would not make him a dictator anyway, but he was making a point).  Look up his comments about "a bloodbath" if he loses as well.  He definitely was not saying there would be violence (although only Democrats can use this particular hyperbole without it being intentionally misinterpreted), but was in fact referring to an economic "bloodbath".  Most recently, they're interpreting Trump's use of the old Democratic talking point from the early 2000s about how politicians send others to wars that they create but should instead go themselves, to mean that he wants to execute Liz Cheney.  We're supposed to believe that Trump was actually talking about being a dictator, and enacting physical violence or even murder with these quotes, whereas Democrats and media will run interference on behalf of Biden and Harris, excusing them from every hyperbole, and most recently even inserting a non-existent and nonsensical apostrophe when Biden clearly called half the nation (Trump supporters) garbage, following faux outrage from a joke made by an insult comic at a Trump rally about Puerto Rico being an island of floating garbage.

Perhaps the worst lie though is that Trump is a threat to Democracy.  You tell me what the greater threat to Democracy is--Donald Trump, who has been President for four years previously and peacefully transferred power on Biden's inauguration Day--or Kamala Harris and company.  Remember, the Democrats installed Harris as their candidate after Biden got the bulk of the Primary votes (she got zero) and then everyone realized he was incompetent (yet he's remained President) and would lose the election.  And they are the ones who want to silence what they call "misinformation" whether it's true or not, as long as it goes against their narrative.  And they want to make it much more difficult for many citizens to get a gun.  They want to make "hate speech" illegal.  That can include anything they want, including if you speak out against a child being sexually abused by receiving dangerous "gender-affirming care" (do whatever you want if you're an adult by the way, but leave the kids alone).  Remember when they wanted to force people to get the Covid shots and it had to be struck down by the Supreme Court?  That seems problematic, and I'm someone who got the two Moderna shots by choice (based on data I thought I could trust anyway).

If given the House and Senate in addition to the Presidency, does anyone doubt that Democrats would try to ensure that the Republicans never have power again?  Most Democratic nominees for SCOTUS are scary enough, but does anyone doubt that they would try to "expand" the Supreme Court and enshrine statehood upon Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico?  By the way, here's an idea for if they actually do that and the Republicans do take back power of the Government again one day after the Democrats add two surefire blue states to the union: Counter by splitting the massive territory that is Alaska into four states--Alaske, Alaski, Alasko, and Alasku--to make it an even 55 in the union (but God forbid it ever comes to that).

With all the horrifying lies being told about Trump, it's no wonder he's been shot once, and at least two people have made serious attempts to assassinate him.  I mean, if he was seriously Hitler like too many on the Left claim, that would be a proper response.  But he isn't, and they know it, so they need to stop saying it.  Trump's rhetoric obviously isn't perfect either, and he's lied about things as well, but his lies are usually just absurd things that he says off the cuff, not like the coordinated campaign of lies perpetrated by Kamala Harris, the Democratic establishment, the "Deep State", the mainstream media, and social media sites not owned by Trump or Elon Musk (another person now being vilified by the Left for his support of Trump despite all the great things he's done for humanity).

Musk is probably hated by the Democrats and mainstream media even more than former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, who I'm a fan of, but Democrats no longer are, because she endorsed Trump.  But their newly-minted enemy may be hated by them most of all, because perhaps the most telling endorsement for Trump came from RFK Jr., a third party candidate who, though flawed, has made it his focus to try to help America get healthy again.  Despite the Kennedy name being synonymous with the Democratic Party, he dropped out of the race to support the candidate who is clearly better than the other major candidate and more aligned with his goals (and the Democrats won't even let him remove his name from the ballot in several states so as to hopefully take votes from Trump in swing states).  Should he become President again, hopefully Trump follows through with whatever promises he made to RFK Jr., putting him in a position to enact some real change for good.  And by the way, I was just in Europe for two weeks, and the food is way different there, so much more real, fresh, and healthy! I'm normally against additional Government regulations and believe Trump's previously stated policy of removing two regulations when one new one is added is great, but food regulation is certainly an exception to that, because some of the things we allow in our food here are mind-boggling.

One thing interesting that I've noticed with Democratic Presidential Candidates of late is that the VP somehow always seems to be worse than the President.  Barack Obama was not great, but Joe Biden was worse.  Joe Biden was pretty bad, but Kamala Harris is worse.  Kamala Harris is terrible, but Tim Walz seems like he is inexplicably even worse than she is.  J.D. Vance was not my first choice to be Trump's running mate, but I believe that he could one day be a better President than Trump.  He's very intelligent, he speaks well, and he easily destroyed Tim Walz in the Vice Presidential Debate.  I mean, it was worse than that fifth inning of Game 5 of the World Series for the Yankees defense...

The choice is clear this Tuesday.  Don't vote for the candidate who is trying to shift the focus away from her terrible far Left record, masquerading hate as joy, cackling and repeating empty platitudes everywhere she goes.  Vote for the candidate who gets shot, gets back up, raises his fist in strength and defiance, and this is will to overcome, to rise above, not a call to violence...  Fight!  Fight!  Fight!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Chick-fil-A Point Redemption Update

The inevitable and likely partially inflation-fueled point redemption shuffle has occurred.  For those of you who eat at Chick-fil-A regularly, you might find the above information helpful.  I've calculated the best and worst point redemption deals.  This is based on the North Haven, CT Chick-fil-A in the point redemption tier that I am in, so this list may differ for you based on both the prices your local Chick-fil-A charges and the point redemption tier that you are in.

The items in blue are the best deals for point redemption, those in green are still pretty good, those in yellow are so-so, those in orange are not so good, and those in red are bad deals.  I left out a few options that were pretty terrible as well, such as redeeming points for entire meals that include an entree, side, and a drink.  Unfortunately, the Spicy Chicken Sandwich is no longer the best deal, but at least it's still in the blue.  And the Medium Waffle Potato Fries have gone down a notch, but they remain in the green.

You may be disappointed to learn (I know I sure am) that the best point redemption deal is for a Kale Cruch Side.  I had it once, and it wasn't bad, but I'm certainly not going to be getting that regularly.  On the plus side, it is healthy.  Just behind it (and the only thing you can get for redeeming just 200 points) is the Ice Dream Cone, followed by Small Waffle Potato Fries for 300 points.  The Chocolate Fudge Brownie is the next best deal, followed by a pretty cool addition for when you're in a sharing mood, the 30 count Nuggets.  Unfortunately, you have to save up 2500 points to redeem for an order of those.  Rounding out the blue category are the Spicy Chicken Sandwich, 4 Count Chick-n-Minis if you're there for breakfast, and a Freshly-Brewed Iced Tea.

The worst deal on my list is for 8 ounces of sauce, which I recommend never shelling out 600 points for, which also holds true for Lemonade or Sunjoy.  Don't bother redeeming points for a Salad, 5 Count Grilled Nuggets, a Cup of Soup, a Medium Bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup, a Medium Mac & Cheese, a Medium Fruit Cup, a Side Salad, or an Iced Coffee either.  Otherwise, redeem your points for what you enjoy!  But you'll have to wait until at least tomorrow to do so if you're on the East Coast like me right now, because it's nearly 11 PM.  Goodnight.


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier Administration

I haven't kept up with this blog within the last year or so, although I do plan to start posting a bit more during the next few years, but I will take a moment to remind everyone to vote on this very important Election Day.  Locally, there are generally both Republicans and Democrats who are capable of doing a good job.  However, in general, both for Gubernatorial elections and U.S. Congress, I HIGHLY recommend voting Republican.

If you think that Joe Biden and the Democrats have done a great job during the last two years while in control of the House, Senate, and Presidency, then by all means, vote Democrat.  If you think the economy is in better shape, our standing in the world has improved, or any number of important things are better off than they were two years ago, go blue.  If you believe that voting for a Republican is bad because some Republicans questioned oddities about the last election (and some even suggested that Joe Biden didn't really win, which the majority of Republicans do not believe to be the case), and that is a threat to Democracy (unlike when Democrats previously suggested that Donald Trump was an illegitimate President, Stacey Abrams was actually elected Governor of Georgia, etc.), then by all means, pull that lever for the Donkey.

However, if you believe that things have gotten worse during the last two years, that inflation is running rampant, that we are in a recession, that we are clueless on foreign policy, and that those in power are lying to us and attempting to have a different set of rules for themselves than for those they oppose politically, then vote Republican.  Are you angry about how the way in which the very legitimate Hunter Biden story was blocked right before the last Presidential election?  Are you tired of being called a bigot because you don't think it's a great idea for children to get life-altering "gender-affirming" medical care?  Are you tired of being told that you are a terrible person if you believe that people should be able to choose whether or not they wear a mask or get a Covid vaccine?  Does it bother you when you are shut down for speaking truth that goes against the Leftist narrative?  Do you disagree that sensible voting laws equate to "Jim Crow on steroids"?  Do you think that President Trump's policies were generally pretty good even if the man himself is flawed?  If so, vote red.  You can remain friends with people who vote the other way, even if many of them no longer want to be friends with you.  It's morally right to be against the murder of babies.  It's not racist to be in favor of stronger borders.  It's important to uphold the Second Amendment.  Pull that lever for the Elephant.  The Elephant stands for freedom.

I could write an entire book on the lies that Democrats have been telling over the last several years and how far left most of them have gone.  Maybe I will one day.  For now, I just encourage you to get out there and vote.  I am hoping for a red storm.  I am looking for a crimson tide.  And I'm not talking about college sports either.  ROLL TIDE!

Saturday, August 7, 2021



I've always been a huge fan of statistics.  Assuming they are recorded correctly, statistics don't change.  Sure, overall numbers and percentages of things can change over time, but if you record a statistic of any sort over a defined time period, that number is very real.  Scientific hypotheses can change as more information becomes available.  Things that we once thought were bad may now be shown as good.  Things that we once thought were good may now be shown as bad.  I trust science, but statistics are hard numbers, and I really trust statistics.  I love sports statistics and baseball statistics especially, and I spend way too much time on  Those statistics tell a story.

Statistics on Covid tell a story too.  However, statistics are super easy to manipulate to tell a story that you want to tell if you're clever (or dumb) enough.  And when we are trying to figure out why statistics are what they are, we may attribute them to the wrong reasons.  After all, correlation does not imply causation.  And if you've studied statistics at all, you know about standard deviations, etc.  But whether or not you have, it's important to take a step back to look at the bigger picture.  Narrow-minded views won't work.  Looking at statistics through the lens of conclusions you've already drawn isn't going to help either.

Some important questions you may want to ask about Covid are what the excess mortality rate has been since the start of the pandemic, what the number of new cases per day looks like now in your area, and what the death rate is as of late compared to the number of cases.  When deciding whether or not you should get the vaccine, you'll want to know what the chances are that you'll get a severe case or that someone you're near could catch it from you and get a severe case.  You'll want to know what the efficacy rate is of the vaccines that are available to you.  And you'll want to know what the chances are that you'll get a severe reaction or side effect from the vaccine.  Your doctor can also help you to make a determination, based on whatever unique situation you're in (pregnancy, underlying condition, age, bad side effects from other vaccines, etc.), of whether or not you should get a vaccine, and which one you should get if so.

I chose to get vaccinated last month, and I chose the Moderna vaccine.  The main reasons that I made this decision were because I looked at statistics and articles, from the left, right, and supposedly neutral sources, and I spoke with two of my doctors about my situation.  I'm not going to tell you, like many will, that the vaccine will be safe and effective for you.  In all likelihood, yes, it will, but I don't know your personal situation.  So I'm going to tell you to do the same thing that I did.  Read up on it, and speak with your doctor.  I highly recommend considering getting the vaccine.  Heck, you'll notice that I'm not even going to give you any statistics here, because I want you to find them yourself.  But I will say that I was extremely hesitant to get the vaccine, because I'm one of those people who had a rare and severe reaction to the flu vaccine years ago.  And I know someone who had a family member get the vaccine and nearly die from a rare heart issue that occurred because of it.  I chose to get it anyway.  Besides, I have some older family members who are not vaccinated, and I've also seen friends and family who nearly died from Covid.

The first doctor I spoke with, during my annual physical, recommended that I get it, and the second one, a specialist, asked me how I got there.  I knew where he was going already.  There was more risk that something bad could have happened to me on the way there in my car (especially with the way people drive in CT- Is it just me, or have drivers in general gotten worse lately?).  Based on my situation and what he knows about the vaccines, the doctor told me, straight up, "Don't get the Johnson & Johnson."  That advice might be different for someone else, but at that point, I decided to figure out whether I would get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, as he suggested I get one of those.

Moderna appeared to be more likely to cause mild side effects, and Pfizer appeared to be more likely to cause severe side effects (though both were highly unlikely to do so based on the statistics, and absent of performing a full statistical analysis, it may not even be a statistically significant difference).  Moderna also appeared to have better efficacy, and this was right on the heels of a study that showed diminished efficacy for Pfizer against the Delta variant (though it still offers quite a lot of protection).  So I chose Moderna.  I literally walked up to the daily free vaccine clinic they have on the town green and asked for it.  That was it.  About 15-20 minutes later I left.

My body doesn't like things going into it that don't belong in it, so I had a cold sweat right after getting the shot (same as what happens when I get an IV or eye drops), but I was fine and not light-headed at all.  I drank some water.  Over the next day or so, I was a bit tired and had a very mild headache, also known as an average working Thursday, so not really any symptoms to report there.  My arm was a bit sore, but that's what happens when you get a shot.  I'll get jab number two soon.  I can expect an increased chance of a slightly worse reaction- that is to say, I'll be perfectly fine in all likelihood.

For those of you holding out on the vaccine, I recommend that you make sure you are doing so for the right reasons.  If you're pregnant, for example, that makes sense to me.  Last I checked, even the CDC wasn't giving that a full endorsement, though it seems unlikely that there would be any adverse effects.  If you don't want to get it because you've calculated your risk higher than your reward, read up on it and verify that it's true.  If you don't want to get it because you've already had Covid, it was mild, and you now have antibodies to it, that's your choice, though after six months or so, the numbers are still showing that you will be more protected with vaccination (antibodies go away over time- I'm pretty sure I had Covid in February 2020, but when I was tested for antibodies over a year later, they weren't there).  If you're immunocompromised, I highly recommend talking to your doctor.  However, if you're not getting it because of what a handful of experts have said against it in opposition to a myriad of others, or because you believe the government is trying to kill you with it based on some random guy on the internet thinking this is the Tuskegee Experiments Part II, or because people have died after getting the vaccine (if more than half the population is vaccinated, some number of those people are going to die), I would ask that you read up on it more.  Search out articles and statistics from unbiased sources, or since very few truly unbiased sources exist, seek out information from both left and right wing sources.  Feel free to reach out to me if you'd like as well, and I can point you to some statistics.

If you're on the right and love to listen to Ben Shapiro, I would have trouble finding someone more pro-vaccination than he's been from the very beginning (when VP Harris said she would be wary about a vaccine developed under the Trump administration).  I think he's offered a trove of great information and statistics on the vaccine during this podcasts, despite some on the left wrongly accusing him of being anti-vaccination, a blatantly false claim.  It does seem that folks on the right are more hesitant to get the vaccine than folks on the left, in general (hence why I am pointing to Shapiro as a resource here, even though I would trust his wife, an actual doctor, more on the topic), though it is also true that it's more of a problem to have lower vaccination rates in densely-populated urban areas that are largely blue than sparsely-populated rural areas that are largely red.  For those on the left who haven't gotten it, yes, it was developed under President Trump, and Trump has been extremely pro-vaccine, but don't let the early errant comments by VP Harris dissuade you from getting it.  Look at the numbers and decide for yourself.

And the numbers now are telling a story.  Cases have spiked, in large part due to the Delta variant, but deaths have not followed suit in the same way as they have in previous spikes.  Why?  Well, you can speculate that this variant is less dangerous, but I don't believe that's accurate.  Those who are not vaccinated have the same risk factors as they have had throughout this pandemic.  And you can speculate that we've gotten better at treating it, and yes, we have, but that still isn't the full story.  Those who are not vaccinated are now much more likely to get Covid, and much more likely to have a severe case of Covid when they do get it.  That tells me that the main driver of the lower death rate is vaccines.  Sure, there are other confounding factors, but based on the statistics, the vaccines appear to me to be quite effective.

I'm one of those people who, the more someone tells me to do something that I don't want to do, the less likely I am going to be to do it.  So when social media sites like Facebook are pounding the vaccination stuff down our throats (see the screen grab photo I used here, which probably has the standard link because the word shot was used in a sentence), and celebrities and other people who are generally idiots are parroting the line that "vaccines are safe and effective" and posting videos of themselves getting vaccines, without really knowing anything at all about science or statistics, I really don't want to get the vaccine.  Weren't these social media sites same people banning folks who mentioned facts and opinions they didn't like and removing "misinformation" that Covid leaked from a lab in Wuhan, only to later realize that very well may have been the case?  Yes.  But, as hard as it is to admit, it doesn't mean that they are always wrong, and could even be generally correct on vaccines.

President Biden and his administration are lying dog-faced pony soldiers (his words, not mine, and I'll do another post about all that sometime in the near future), but that doesn't mean that they're wrong about the vaccine either (though the mixed messaging has been a disaster, most notably with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine).  At first, I thought Dr. Fauci was doing the best he could, but now, like Senator Rand Paul, I don't trust a lot of what comes out of his mouth either, but that doesn't mean that he's wrong about the vaccine.  The Biden administration has picked up where the Trump administration left off and brought us to the point where the vaccine is available to every adult in the United States.  And good for them.  Those of us living in America are blessed by the "America First" policy, because we have something that many others in the world wish they had so quickly- the option and ability to get vaccinated (and with no money out-of-pocket, funded by the taxpayers).

Plenty of other things happening make no sense.  Show me the evidence that more mask mandates will help anything.  Seriously.  If you have it, I'm interested.  Yes, N95 masks will help stop the spread quite a bit, and the non-N95 masks that most people wear when they wear one will help a little bit in a controlled environment, but what good are a bunch of people reusing the same dirty non-N95 masks over and over to comply with mask mandates going to do?  Perhaps some, but I would estimate very little.  Have we actually done a study that attempts to mimic what happens in real life, where many people reuse dirty masks, touch their masks over and over, and wear them improperly?  Vaccines are way more effective than masks.

That isn't to say that you shouldn't wear a mask in a crowded indoor area if asked to.  I believe the government should stay out of it, but just as a baker can refuse to make a cake for a gay wedding, he can refuse to let unmasked people into his business.  Masking up outdoors, while alone in your car, or while waiting for the dentist to explore your mouth seems to be nothing more than theater though.  The same was the case when we had mask mandates for the vaccinated before those were lifted.  The statistics did not support it.  You can argue they were out of an abundance of caution, and that those bringing them back now are also acting out of an abundance of caution, but I don't see statistics that support it, and I don't put a lot of value in isolated outlier situations such as spread among vaccinated people in Provincetown.  That being said, if my local store asks that I wear a mask when I enter, whatever.  Not a big deal.  But I'm also not wearing one when I'm not asked to do so.

One of the most annoying things going on right now though is the masking of children in schools.  I don't have a child, but if I did, I would much rather my child got Covid than the flu.  I don't want my child to get sick at all, but again, the statistics show that Covid is not very dangerous for children.  For adults, it's certainly more dangerous than the flu, but we know that it isn't for children.  We don't need to take extreme precautions to protect children from Covid.  A few hundred children out of the tens of millions of children in the United States have died from Covid.  Every life is precious, but it's ridiculous to act like this is a grave threat to children.  You'd think it is based on the news coverage whenever a very young person dies from Covid (as opposed to the lack of news coverage when a very young person has a serious adverse effect from a Covid vaccine).  Statistics don't support this.  And children do not need to mask up in school (you know those things are germ traps anyway for kids, seriously).  If it's the teachers, parents, or any adults that you're worried about, as reasoning for masking up children, they have all had the opportunity to get the vaccine.  If they got it, they have a high level of protection against Covid.  If they didn't, you'd be hard-pressed to find any in that category who are asking for children to be masked up to protect the adults.

I don't trust the government.  I don't trust the media.  I don't trust big tech.  I don't trust big pharma.  I do trust science.  I do trust statistics.  I do trust my doctors.  I chose to get the Moderna vaccine.  I would recommend that you research what is best for you if you haven't yet gotten vaccinated.  My advice would be to especially consider the Moderna vaccine, but please do inform yourself from multiple sources across the political spectrum, and please seek the opinion of your doctor or doctors.  For many things in life, we must evaluate risk vs. reward, and the Covid vaccine is no different.  Also, the Federal government has done its job here as far as making vaccines widely available, so kudos to both the Trump and Biden administrations on that, but don't let this turn into authoritarianism now.

You get to decide what's best for you, but please base your decision in reality, statistics, and what you believe will be best for you and those around you.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

How to Spend your Points at Chick-fil-A

Here's a short but useful post for all you Chick-fil-A fans.  If you have the Chick-fil-A App, you earn points for every purchase you make.  You can then use the points to get free food or drinks at Chick-fil-A.  But not all redemptions are created equal.  It took me a few minutes to put together a spreadsheet for the North Haven, CT Chick-fil-A, based on current availability and cost in dollars and points for each item.  You can make a customized spreadsheet for your favorite location, and all you have to do to find the best value is sort by how many points equal a dollar!

Previously, it was well-known that the best value for point redemption was the Medium Waffle Potato Fries, but the recent bump from 200 to 300 points for that item changed the math significantly.  The best point redemption value is now my favorite item on the menu, the Spicy Chicken Sandwich!  The worst value is a small fruit cup, which requires the same number of points to buy but costs a lot less in dollars.

Items in blue are the best values, and if you really want an item in green instead, it's an alright value to use points there as well.  For those in yellow, it's not ideal, but hey, if you really want it and you have a lot of points to redeem, they aren't your worst options.  However, I don't know why you would ever use points for any of the orange items, and the red items are the worst of all.

You're welcome!  And my apologies for posting this on a Sunday, because now you're hungry, but Chick-fil-A is closed.  Oh well.  There's always tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Who Stole The Election?

There has been a lot of talk lately about the 2020 election being stolen.  Much of this talk has come from President Trump himself.  Before I get into all that, what did you think when you saw that headline and clicked on it?  If you're very far to the right, you probably thought, "Oh, Matt's finally come around and realized the truth.  Let's hear what he has to say."  Wrong.  Not true.  If you're very far to the left, you probably thought, "What the hell is this?  Matt's a Trump voter, so he's crazy anyway, but does he really think that happened?"  Nope, and not crazy, but I appreciate how often simple-minded Leftists resort to personal attacks.  Notice that the headline is simply a question.  I didn't state that the election was stolen, nor did I state that it was not.  It's a clickbait headline, like so much of the complete garbage you see from the media, yet you've actually landed on an opinion piece with some very important points.  As usual, these points are sure to anger people on both sides.  Also as usual, I don't care, because it's more important to tell the truth.

The election was stolen, but not illegally, and not by widespread voter fraud and some conspiracy involving Dominion and China and some ring of sexual predators or whatever the hell QAnon or Alex Jones is alleging now.  I really have no idea because I don't keep up with that much anymore, simply because I don't care what they have to say.  I don't care what mainstream media has to say either, but I need to get news from CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc. in conjunction with news consumption from The Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Fox, The Daily Wire, The Blaze, etc.  My Facebook friends are actually a pretty good mix of Conservatives and Liberals, based on where I've grown up, where I've gone to church, and where I've gone to college.  This is quite helpful because of the constant links that are posted from both sides, both from reliable and unreliable news sources.  But I haven't seen evidence of voter fraud or Democratic conspiracies large enough to change the outcome of the Presidential election.  And yet I've concluded that it was stolen.  The Presidential election was stolen by mainstream media and big tech.  The Georgia Senate election?  The election rules there are bizarre to say the least, but you can thank the absolutely ASININE moves by President Trump and other Republicans for that one.

The Presidential election was tight.  Joe Biden won the popular vote, and the electoral college tally was not particularly close, but it hinged on several key battleground states where the margin of victory was extremely slim.  The four closest states were all won by Joe Biden, with three of them (Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin) under 1% of separation, and Pennsylvania just barely over 1%.  Put simply, this means that if roughly 1% of the voters in those states voted differently, Trump would have been re-elected.  But that didn't happen.  I mean, Trump says it did, but I remain unconvinced (we'll circle back to that shortly).

For the most part, the polls taken ahead of the election were atrocious.  They generally showed Biden winning those states, other states, and the election by MUCH wider margins than what actually took place.  There are plenty of different reasons for that, and pollsters will have to figure out how to account for the inherent problems going forward after they were clearly exposed, but what could have swung the votes in those key states by just one or two percent?  I mean, just about anything.  Like, if the media gave any negative coverage to Joe Biden.  If the same people who shouted and cried, "Believe all women!" when outlandish claims of gang rape were levied against Brett Kavanaugh actually believed that when it came to someone who aligned with them politically, such as Joe Biden, Donald Trump would be in office for a second term.  If the same media that gave around-the-clock coverage to all of Kavanaugh's accusers, many of whom recanted their claims soon after he was confirmed as a SCOTUS Justice, gave half as much coverage to Tara Reade's sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden, Donald Trump might have won.  Apparently at least one lesser news outlet in Australia interviewed her, but I didn't see a whole lot of mainstream coverage here in America.  I don't know whether or not Tara Reade is telling the truth, nor do I know whether or not Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth.  As a default, I generally believe women who come forward with allegations like that, but both women have some serious holes in their stories here.  The point here isn't whether or not they're telling the truth, but how the media handled their stories differently (not to mention even more ridiculous and unsubstantiated stories regarding Kavanaugh that were indeed proven to be false).

There are plenty of other examples too.  The New York Post published a negative story about Hunter Biden before the election, which was ignored by most mainstream media outlets and banned by social media such as Twitter because, um, well Jack Dorsey couldn't exactly explain it.  He admitted it was a mistake, but that something or other about stolen information, which it wasn't, but somehow it was fine to share The New York Times article a few weeks before, which contained information from Trump's tax returns that someone had very likely acquired illegally and provided to The New York Times.  And I'm actually 100% in favor of that being published, as well as not banning it, but the same standard should have applied to Hunter Biden.  Joe Biden, unchecked, dismissed any negative stories about his son as Russian disinformation, despite ZERO evidence that was the case.  I mean, that's a Trumpian level of lying.  Maybe he is ready to be our next President.  And the mainstream media covered for him, calling a lot of valid and potentially valid stories about Hunter Biden debunked, but as we found out from some mainstream media sources after the election, there are actually some pretty serious questions about Hunter Biden's dealings.  Joe may or may not have been directly involved.  He's been under investigation for some time.  Amazing how that didn't leak out, right?  Like Bill Barr knew and decided to, you know, follow the law and not leak it.  That's integrity.  And somehow no mainstream media journalists investigated that.  They were probably too busy talking to their "anonymous" sources telling them President Trump was having pee parties with hookers and colluding with Russia while Hunter was doing blow, taking stacks of cash, and who knows what else.

In my opinion, the best post-election coverage has been from a source that itself admits it is on the right.  And there has been some GARBAGE post-election coverage from several right-leaning media organizations.  I mean complete trash, unverified conspiracy theory type stuff.  I think they feed it to Trump, who in turn feeds it to them, and it just becomes a giant part of our President and his favorite media sources regurgitating unverified crap all over each other, and no one can keep track of it all anymore.  There are claims that Trump won in a landslide, that various countries were hooked up via internet to the Dominion voting machines controlling the tallies, that there's all kinds of coordinated widespread voter fraud that gave the election to Biden, and a slew of other things for which I've seen little to no evidence.  It's exhausting.  The mainstream media isn't any better.  They deny that there was any voter fraud at all, or that there was ever voter fraud (after claiming Russia may have actually hacked the 2016 election for Trump).  The truth is that there was some voter fraud.  In any election where like 160 million people vote, there is definitely some amount of voter fraud.  I think the only voter fraud story mainstream media picked up was about one person they found who voted for Trump twice or something.  There were a handful of valid stories about fraud in one direction or the other, but you would only hear those where the fraud was in favor of Biden from alternative media sources, and then you had to check them in a bunch of different places to see what was true or not since so many outlets just ignored them, true or not, because they didn't like the narrative (including all those additional missed votes found in Georgia upon auditing, which was true, though it was not indicative of fraud).  But from what I've seen, there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud anywhere near impactful enough to have changed the result of the Presidential election.

So my pick for the most consistently solid post election coverage that I've seen goes to The Daily Wire, though from that outlet, I've largely listened just to Ben Shapiro and Andrew Klavan, and they've said what no one from either extreme wants to say.  It's been remarkably down the center from an organization that is transparent about being on the right the majority of the time.  In a nutshell, yeah some questionable things happened with the election, and there was some fraud, but there isn't evidence of widespread fraud that was enough to overturn the election.  That message has been remarkably consistent, and if you're interested in a quick read on a poll showing that Trump may have won if not for mainstream media suppression of negative stories about Joe Biden, I'll leave the link here (, and even if those numbers are a bit inflated to the right, just a fraction of those percentages could have swung the election to Trump.  But media dishonesty is not the type of fraud that Trump is alleging occurred.

By all means, feel free to send me evidence if you have it, or better yet, bring it to a courtroom.  While I like to think that sort of voter fraud isn't possible in the United States, part of me absolutely wants it to be true, because I don't want Biden and Kamala Harris to lead this nation.  As flawed and frustrating as Trump is, I'd still rather have him and Pence for the next four years, if only because I agree with their policies more and hate the Leftist agenda, but I simply have not seen any evidence that Joe Biden was not truly elected to be our next President.  If Trump has that evidence, why was it not presented to the courts?  He talked a big game like always, but when you saw what was actually presented to the courts, there wasn't a whole lot on fraud.  Sure, there were issues with the way states like Pennsylvania changed election rules, on those are real issues, but those were handled on a state level (as they should have been, even if you disagree with the verdict).  And sure there were some odd things statistically, but I've seen valid explanations for most of them.  And sure there was fraud, but we are lacking evidence that it was anywhere close to the level it would need to be to change the outcome.  Donald Trump is a sore loser and a liar.  Or hey, if we're going by the standard the Democrats set after the Mueller report, when they said that there may not have been evidence of criminal activity, but that the report did not exonerate Trump of Russian collusion, I'll say it this way instead: Maybe Trump really did win, and there was election fraud, because even though I haven't seen the evidence, it doesn't mean it didn't happen, right?  No?  Not on board with that approach here?

I did not have a problem with Trump challenging the results of the election in court.  That's part of our process, and it's been done before.  Fine.  I didn't like his tweets, but hey, I said that we should let the process play out in the courts.  He could claim to be the winner until the electors officially made Joe Biden President-Elect.  And claim he did.  But he lost in court.  Repeatedly.  Are we really to believe that Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and every other Supreme Court Justice (including three great justices Trump put there!) are part of the conspiracy to keep President Trump from a second term, because they refused to overturn the election?  Borrowing from Joe Biden twice here, come on man, you're a lying dog-faced pony soldier!

Even after the electors cast their ballots, Trump did not stop claiming that he won, that there was widespread fraud, and that he would not concede.  That became dangerous.  Yes, Hillary and the Democrats never stopped claiming that she only lost because of Russian interference, and many claimed that Trump was not a legitimate President, and even more that he's not their President.  And then many claimed that Stacey Abrams was really elected Governor of Georgia.  Twitter and Facebook didn't block any of those claims or attach fact checks or articles about election integrity to them.  Mainstream media even pushed them forward at times.  And this was all very dangerous stuff.  So Donald Trump followed suit.  And leave it to him to take it to the next level.  At least Hillary Clinton wasn't constantly running her mouth on Twitter and refusing to concede after the electors voted and when Congress was confirming Trump's election four years ago.  Sure, she never backed off her claim that she really won, but Trump has now taken it too far.  Thank God he doesn't drink, because the man knows no moderation.  Today it became very dangerous.  Violently storming the Capitol is not acceptable behavior.  That was shameful and antidemocratic, much like some similar events in 2020.

Quite frankly, it was an attempt at a coup, and a tiny and piss poor one at that, and it was stopped.  It never had a chance.  Suddenly, those on the far left who a few minutes ago were refusing to speak out against violent protests and riots against police, where rioters killed people and burned down buildings, sometimes with law enforcement standing down, even to the point of allowing autonomous zones to exist,  are against violent protests and riots, and glad when the police are there to stop them.  Amazing.  I'm so glad that the police, who were violently protested against, were still there to stop this riot and preserve Democracy.  I'm so glad that they weren't defunded by the D.C. mayor, who is also the main villain in Super Mario.  Sadly, it now sounds like there was one death, where an officer shot a woman who was apparently violently storming the Capitol.  This is quite sad, but also something that is bound to happen if you are violently storming the Capitol.  How about we just keep all protests peaceful and don't riot at all?  And maybe stop saying that all cops are bad because systemic racism rather than just a few bad apples (and then calling for them when you need them)?  Seriously, people on both sides are beyond ridiculous with hypocrisy if they are not condemning the bad actors on both sides.  And yes, while I condemn all the riots, I would say that riots where rioters kill people and burn down buildings are worse than those that don't have those end results, but none of them are in any way acceptable.

To his credit, President Trump immediately condemned the violence, which is more than can be said for many top Democrats in the wake of the protests against police brutality and systemic racism that turned violent.  I wonder if the left would still apply the "mostly peaceful" label to the riot in D.C.  I mean, most people there weren't actually acting violent from what I saw, so put that up as a headline like CNN did a few months ago while everything in the background was on fire.  To his detriment, President Trump mentioned that the election was rigged in the same breath, rendering his call for peace pretty fucking weak.  And no, I don't care if you're offended that I swore, because that is the best way I can think of to describe his comments, which basically amounted to "I love what you're trying to do, but stop the violence, even though the election was stolen!" the way I interpreted them.

Not only did President Trump royally screw that up, but it's largely his fault that the Democrats won both Senate seats in Georgia.  Republicans should still control the Senate, but with their quirky election laws (which Democrats have rightly criticized in the past, though it's certainly up to Georgia how they want to run their damn state), we ended up with a runoff instead.  And in the few months since the election, Trump has constantly bitched about how the electoral process in Georgia was unfair, the election was rigged and stolen, and also vetoed the stimulus bill, putting the two incumbent Republican Senators is really rough spots.  Not surprisingly, the Democrats were able to drum up enough support to eek out victories (one apparently by less than 1%, and the other by just over 1% as of now), but if the same people who showed up in November had showed up now, the Republicans would have 52 seats in the Senate.  Enough of them stayed home to hand the Senate to Kamala Harris and the Democrats.  Well done, President Trump.  I guess the Republicans are guilty of voter suppression in Georgia after all, but they're suppressing their own voters.  Brilliant.  I never would have expected that strategy.

As if I needed one more reason to disbelieve the claims of a massive Trump landslide victory in 2020 undone by widespread election fraud, there's one more interesting tidbit that occurred back in November.  What we actually saw, because of the sheer insanity of the Democrats, was a red wave!  The Republicans basically took every toss-up seat in the House, massively outperforming polls and expectations, leaving Democrats with a razor thin majority.  They took most of the toss-ups in the Senate, which the Democrats were expected to control handily.  Across the country, Republicans won victory after victory.  Why?  Because overall, though certainly not on every issue, their ideas are better than those of the Democrats who are being taken over by the far left.  Their principles are better.  Their policies are better.  In reality, the Democrats only gained the majority in the House because of the more moderate candidates.  And the 2020 election was a repudiation of two things: Leftism and Donald Trump.  Republicans did well, except Donald Trump.  You would think the House and Senate would be more blue if there was massive fraud.  But it wasn't.  Because people came out to vote against Donald Trump.  I voted for him because I agree with him on more issues than I do with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and Joe Biden has gone to the left, which is where Kamala Harris has always resided.  However, I hate a lot of what Trump has said on Twitter, as well as in person.  I don't like how he handled the riots and racial tensions, and even though I don't think there would have been major differences in results if Hillary Clinton was President, he still could have handled the pandemic better.

One thing Trump did well was getting the vaccine distribution started before the end of 2020, which the media constantly "fact" checked him on, saying it was not true "according to experts" or whatever that vaccine distribution could begin before the end of 2020.  More media lies.  The real conspiracy is one that no one is hiding anymore, and it's the lies and suppression of the mainstream media coupled with social media removing articles that don't fit the narrative, or that push the wrong narrative, even if they're true.  And on top of that, the fact checking is a joke.  Candace Owens had a post fact checked and deemed false in which she claimed (correctly, clearly) that Joe Biden isn't technically the President-Elect until after the electors vote.  After threatening to sue, the fact checkers finally reversed their own lie.  Yet no fact checkers went after anyone who called Joe Biden the President-Elect rather than the presumed President-Elect prior to the electors voting (nor should they have), because pettiness and absurd false fact checks are reserved only for conservatives who push narratives that mainstream media and the Left don't like.

Well, now Joe Biden is the President-Elect, and in two weeks, he'll be our President.  I don't like it, but the fact is that he will also be my President.  Joe is a likeable enough guy.  I don't hate him.  His personality is better than President Trump's personality.  He's less divisive.  But I hate what he now stands for, and that Kamala Harris will be the VP.  Whatever happened to the days of the person who got the second most votes for President becoming VP, or what would happen if we could split the ticket and have a Biden-Pence administration?  I mean, it won't happen, but I think we'd be less polarized.  The country is on the brink right now.  Joe Manchin must lead the way, and Joe Biden must follow his lead.  He may be the one to stop utter chaos from breaking out, much worse than what we saw in D.C. today.  Thank God for him.  It would be a very bad decision if we didn't opt for moderation and bipartisanship as a nation.  It would not be good if we got rid of the filibuster, but if the Democrats decided to pack the courts and add more states to hold on to power, tensions would continue to ramp up, and we could truly have a nation that breaks into two.  Now is not the time to ram the extreme leftist agenda down the throats of the country.  Joe Manchin needs to be a McCainian maverick for his party and for the good of our nation.

Also, to those of you who are saying that VP Pence betrayed our nation today by not stopping the certification, do you honestly think that it would somehow be a good idea for us to allow him or any VP (which Kamala Harris may be in four years if Biden can still stand and speak) the authority to overturn the votes and the will of the American people?  Like seriously?  Take a breath and think about that for a moment.  Maybe say a prayer for Joe Manchin.  End it with "Amen."  Or if you're an idiot with a stupid agenda and little to no understanding of language, end it with "Awomen."