Back in 1995, Congress voted overwhelmingly (93 to 5 in the Senate and 374 to 37 in the House) to formally recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem by 1999. Every six months since, the sitting President has signed a waiver to postpone moving the embassy, up to and including the last time President Trump did so. President Clinton was in office in 1995, and every President since (Bush, Obama, Trump) made campaign promises regarding Jerusalem as the Capital and the moving of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Bush lied. Obama lied. Trump told the truth. We can finally party like it's 1999.
Jerusalem IS the Capital of Israel. This is stating the obvious, and has not been all that controversial in Congress. In fact, in June of THIS YEAR, the Senate voted 90-0 (you read that correctly) to reaffirm Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and acknowledge the 1995 law. Yes, it was a non-binding resolution, and yes, it included language that the permanent status of Jerusalem was to be decided by Israel and Palestine negotiating a two-state solution (that still stands), but it reaffirmed the stance of the United States toward Jerusalem, unanimously. That's a rarity in the Senate these days. Even General James Mattis had a vote against him when he was confirmed 98-1 to serve as Secretary of Defense. And yet, since Trump officially announced a few weeks ago that Jerusalem is the Capital and we will be moving our embassy there, there has been massive outcry from the Left. Many on the Left are against it, and they're in good company with anti-Semites from all over the world.
My bad. I didn't mean to call Leftists anti-Semites. They could just be dumb. Or maybe they really think that it's going to cause additional conflict in the Middle East, which has just been a bastion of peace with the frequent days of rage and all countries surrounding Israel wanting to wipe it off the map entirely. Declining to officially recognize Jerusalem and move the embassy there for the last 22 years has worked so well. Besides, President Trump is a raging anti-Semite. Remember during the campaign when he was being all bigoted and racist and homophobic and shit? Like hating people who came here from other countries after having married someone like that, and waving the gay pride flag on stage in the process of becoming the first President to have been in favor of gay marriage prior to taking office? But on top of that, one of his campaign ads was like a dog whistle to anti-Semites and white nationalists or something. Yeah, really. Not the kind of guy who would let his daughter marry a dirty Jew. And seeing as he's sexist, he would exercise his authoritarianism over her and stop that from ever happening. ...Oh wait, she did what? And they had kids? Oops...
During Trump's campaign, I was pretty firmly in the Gary Johnson camp until I broke for Trump just before the election, but I would engage in political discourse on social media now and then. A lot of negative things were being said about both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, which was fair, because they were two terrible candidates. One of my friends on Facebook posted multiple negative things about Donald Trump daily, as many of them did, and I never commented on any of them until one day he posted about Trump being an anti-Semite. By this point in his presidency, Obama had shown himself to be a not-so-great friend of Israel, and Trump seemed like he would not make a great President, but was not anti-Semitic and would at least be quite pro-Israel, so I commented. A few comments and f-words directed at me later, and I was unfriended. Looking back, this sort of interaction should have helped me realize that Trump was going to win the Presidency, but it wasn't until the early returns on election night started coming in when I realized that was even a possibility. I was resigned to the fact that Hillary Clinton was going to be our 45th President, which thankfully turned out to be fake news.
Donald Trump was elected President, and President Obama refused to veto the United Nations vote condemning Israeli settlements in Palestine as a parting shot. And today, the United Nations voted 128-9 to condemn President Trump's move on Jerusalem. I haven't been able to say it very often until the past few weeks, but I am proud of President Trump. If he can avoid saying dumb things on Twitter about TV ratings and whatever else, I might be able to start saying that regularly. And Nikki Haley's speech at the UN made me proud as well. There's a strong women that our girls should look up to as a role model. There is a woman who I would love to vote into office if she even ran for President. Not Sarah Palin, and certainly not Hillary Clinton, but Nikki Haley, who stood up in front of a largely anti-Semitic organization today and condemned it, echoing Trump. They're both correct. The United Nations is a garbage organization that regularly votes to condemn Israel more than they condemn any other country. I hope Trump follows through and pulls funding, notably for any and all of the 128 countries who condemned the United States today.
O Jerusalem! The ancient Capital of Israel, the eternal Capital of Israel. Two reasons I believe we are right in recognizing it as the Capital are History and the current state of affairs. You see, Israel recognizes that Jerusalem is a significant place for the religious history of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Israel allows people of all faiths to worship there freely. Does anyone really believe--and answer honestly now--that if the Palestinians controlled Jerusalem, they would allow people of all faiths to come there and worship freely? The answer is clearly no. The Palestinian Government is basically a terrorist organization, paying people who murder Jews. Many of the Muslims in the Middle East (though none that I've talked to personally in the United States) believe that Israel should be wiped off the map. That is the definition of antisemitism. I have zero respect for that point of view.
For purposes of full disclosure, I will state that I am a Christian, and that does inform my worldview, but that is not the sole reason I believe that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel. However, I will point out that it is an extremely small minority of Christians who are in favor of President Trump's recent actions because they are trying to hasten Armageddon. That is a ridiculous view, and it is equally ridiculous for non-Christians to believe that it's anywhere close to a mainstream Christian view. And being against President Trump's actions does not actually make you an anti-Semite. There are plenty of reasons to be against it too, like hating Trump, being scared of Muslims in the Middle East getting angry and trying to blow more shit up, and, in the words of the great George Costanza, "Astroturf? You know who's responsible for that, don't you?! The Jews! Ah, the Jews hate grass. They always have, they always will."