Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Kavanaugh or Kava-Yes?

I had to eventually end my long blog post Summer break.  Somehow, I withheld the urge to post something about that googly-eyed crazy person with a loose grip on reality: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  You know, the one with an Economics degree but no real understanding of the economy and why Socialism fails 100% of the time.  The one with the International Relations degree but no real understanding of what's going on in the Middle East.  The one who thinks we can fund all of her plans by getting tens of trillions of dollars from, well, even Jake Tapper verbalized his realization that he wasn't going to get an answer to that question...  God help us if the far Left ever takes control of our Government.

But in this Trump-era news cycle where you usually forget what Monday's stories were by the time Friday comes around, there's been one story dominating the news for the last few weeks: Sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's nominee to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court.  The allegations came out a few weeks ago, after the Senate hearings on Judge Kavanaugh had concluded.  However, Senator Dianne Feinstein had had this information for roughly seven weeks before saying or doing anything about it.  Because when you're a reasonable human being and someone tells you about alleged sexual abuse, the normal thing to do with that information if you believe it to be credible is absolutely nothing for nearly two months.  At least when your goal is to try to prolong the vote on Kavanaugh's confirmation as long as possible, because let's be clear: whether the allegations are true or not, that was the primary goal of Senator Feinstein and her Democratic colleagues here.  And for those calling for the FBI to get involved, I'm not really sure what the FBI is expected to do with allegations of a sexual misdemeanor in Maryland from 36 years ago at an unspecified time and place.

To recap, in case you've been living under a rock, Dr. Christine Ford alleges that a drunken 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh groped her and was allegedly trying to remove her clothes in order to rape her.  She was 15 years old, and somehow got away when Kavanaugh's buddy Mark Judge, who was also in the room, was roughhousing with Kavanaugh as the alleged assault was occurring.  Kavanaugh and Judge deny this ever happened, and the other friends that Ford said were at the party, including a female friend, have no memory of the party.  In fact, her female friend who was supposedly at the party says she doesn't even know Kavanaugh and has no memory of ever being at a party with him at all.  Ford doesn't remember when or where the party occurred, apart from saying she believes it was Summer of 1982, and there is zero corroboration thus far.  And Ford has pushed off her day of testifying in front of the Senate, in part because she is apparently too traumatized to be on an airplane, but in larger part because Democratic operatives are running the show, and pushing off the testimony until Thursday means that Kavanaugh apparently will not be seated on October 1.  Senate Republicans have allowed this, as well as allowing a number of demands from her largely ridiculous list of demands for appearing before the Senate.  She is expected to show up to testify tomorrow, probably.

I'm someone who generally believes women when they come forward with allegations like this.  I believe Juanita Braoddrick's rape allegations against Bill Clinton, I believe the super creepy allegations against Roy Moore, I believe the women who came forward with allegations against Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein, and I believe Keith Ellison's accuser.  The things with Al Franken and Cory Booker are not nearly on the same level as the others I've mentioned, and at this particular moment, the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh really do appear to be part of a massive smear campaign.  If true, he should absolutely be disqualified from the Supreme Court, as well as his current position.  If the third allegation is true, I'd like to personally beat the shit out of him, and he should be rotting in prison.  Oh, yeah, I haven't yet mentioned the subsequent allegations that materialized after the first one.

The second allegation against Kavanaugh is from someone who said she was at a party with him at Yale.  It took her six days of consulting with lawyers and psychologists before she was able to decide whether or not the memories she had did indeed include Kavanaugh exposing his penis to her, near her face, while they were both drunk.  She thinks it does, but isn't entirely sure, and she has stated that she will not testify.  At one point she thought it was a fake penis, but then apparently she remembers someone saying that "Brett Kavanaugh's" penis was in her face, because using his full name is exactly how someone would express that thought.  Memory is a weird thing.  Like with the first one, I have no idea whether this occurred, and neither do you, and no one has corroborated this one either.  The New York Times and Washington Post wouldn't even report on this one at first, because the story is just too dubious and they couldn't find anyone else who remembers the incident.  And in my opinion, unlike the first allegation, I do not deem this as a massive problem if it did occur.  If I walked in on a guy doing to a girl what Ford alleges Kavanaugh did to her, I would physically remove him from that situation.  Violently.  He would be injured.  If I walked in on someone who had their penis out at a drunken party, yeah... I went to college.  I walked in on that shit a few times.  If it's actually in someone's face, that's not cool, and that person should be pushed away.  But a lot of college parties include some amount of indecent exposure, or naked partying, or streaking, or something of that nature.  I saw way too many penises in college.  Nevertheless, I persisted.

The third allegation against Kavanaugh is by far the worst, and this one just came out.  Creepy Porn Lawyer and 2020 Presidential Candidate Michael Avenatti has a client named Julie Swetnick who alleges that Kavanaugh and Judge essentially orchestrated a gang rape ring when they were in high school in the early 1980s.  According to Swetnick's statement, they would spike the punch or give girls some of those Cosby drugs, and once they were incapacitated, the guys at the party would form a line outside of a bedroom and take turns raping the girls.  According to Swetnick, who kept going to these parties for some reason, she was allegedly raped at one of them in 1982, which is two years after she graduated college.  So, for some reason, she was still going to high school parties while she was in college--parties where she was an adult and knew that the gang rape of underage girls was occurring.  What?  The thing about this one is that, if it occurred, there have got to be some people who will come forward and corroborate it.  So many witnesses.  So then we'll know.  And if it occurred, I hope we do find out for sure that it did, because I sure as hell do not want Kavanaugh anywhere near the Supreme Court or any gavel at all if it occurred.  I'd rather he was thrown in prison and got what he has coming to him if it occurred.  I have zero tolerance for rapists.

Oh, then there was a fourth allegation that hit the news cycle today.  Something about a woman who said Kavanaugh was drunk and shoved her against a wall.  So we have everything from indecent exposure, to shoving someone against a wall, to groping, to drugging and gang raping teenage girls.  Wow.  And Kavanaugh went on TV and claimed he was a virgin throughout high school and for many years thereafter.  That's not something many guys want to admit these days, but he got blasted for that too, by Avenatti and others, because apparently that's not a believable thing for a guy.  Well guess what, it's certainly plausible.  I was a virgin throughout high school and many years thereafter as well, by choice.  And I know plenty of guys who waited to have sex until marriage, and at least one who somehow never even kissed a girl until he asked her to marry him (not sure how that happens, but apparently possible--dude must have some INSANE self-control--him and his wife have three kids now though).

I'm waiting for a fifth accuser to come out saying that they saw Kavanaugh dildo a stripper at a bachelor party.  The stripper told him to do it, but he did it for a few seconds too long, or went a bit deeper than she wanted, so he's unfit to be on the Supreme Court.  But where we are now is waiting for tomorrow's hearing and still without any of these stories corroborated by anyone, and it's not like they occurred in isolation either.  People were allegedly around when these things happened.  I'm not going to pretend that I know whether or not any or all of these women are telling the truth.  There are people on the Left who just know that they're all true, and there are people on the Right who just know that they're all false.  They're all bullshitting.  None of them know.  You don't know.  I don't know.  Until there's corroboration or something resembling evidence, I cannot oppose Kavanaugh.  If that comes to be, then he can GTFO and President Trump can nominate Senator Mike Lee, or Ben Shapiro (lol, triggered?), or even better, Amy Coney Barrett--hopefully no one can come up with #METOO allegations against her (they might get Shapiro for cat-calling Ocasio-Cortez to debate him).  If it turns out that Barrett gets on the Supreme Court instead of Kavanaugh and helps overturn Roe v. Wade, something it seems doubtful that Kavanaugh would be on board with, it would be a moment rich with irony.

I think the #METOO movement has been a positive thing overall, exposing sexual abusers for the monsters they are, but if the accusations against Kavanaugh turn out to be manufactured by Democrats solely for the purpose of obstruction, they're using, twisting, and probably killing the #METOO movement.  And unfortunately, some women do make up false sexual abuse claims under the guise of #METOO.  It's like Norm Macdonald said, "It used to be, ‘One hundred women can’t be lying.’ And then it became, ‘One woman can’t lie.’ And that became, ‘I believe all women.’ And then you’re like, ‘What?'"  I can picture tomorrow's hearings now...  Democratic Senators and their guests standing up one by one.  It will be like Cory Booker's Spartacus moment, except that it will be an actual Spartacus moment, but straight out of The Onion.
"I was raped by Judge Kavanaugh!"
"I was raped by Judge Kavanaugh!"
"I was raped by Judge Kavanaugh!"
"Judge Kavanaugh is raping me right now!"