Saturday, July 27, 2019

Welp, I Guess I'm a Racist Now!

I haven't written very many blog posts in the last year or so.  The country's been in great shape overall.  Sure, we've elected a handful of terrible people to Congress, and President Trump still says a lot of dumb things on Twitter, but the economy is great, unemployment is low, and the Mueller Report came up as empty as Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.  But it's time to speak out on a few things, as the country continues to be split, and this fracture seems likely to grow leading up to the 2020 election.

First of all, I state for the record that I condemn President Trump's recent remarks on Twitter, wherein he stated that certain women in Congress should go back to where they came from.  I will not defend this xenophobic remark, even though Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar have both said similar things, with Tlaib actually saying that Trump should be deported.  While Omar is the only Congressperson Trump appeared to be talking about who wasn't actually born in the United States, the biggest issue with the statement is the trope that it taps into, where racist and xenophobic people have historically told people who immigrated to the United States or were otherwise considered not white to go back to where they came from.  Whether or not Trump intended it in that way (the Left says obviously yes, the Right says definitely no), Trump chose his words poorly.  The statement is repugnant, immoral, and xenophobic.  We have an unfortunate history in which black and brown people, as well as Italian, Irish, Jewish, and those from various other ethnic backgrounds, have been told to go back to where they came from.  As President of the United States and leader of the free world, Donald Trump really ought to choose his words much more wisely.

Plenty of folks in the media, and Democrats in the House of Representatives, have been quick to call Trump's comments racist, and a slew of articles have been written saying that if you support Trump, you too are racist!  It doesn't matter that Black and Hispanic unemployment levels have been historically low under this President.  It doesn't matter how many people of color that his administration's policies have benefited, or how many it has employed.  He's racist.  And if you support him, so are you!  You might wonder how supporting him makes you a racist, even if you condemn his remarks.  Let me try to explain...

If you supported President Obama in 2008, who stated that marriage was between a man and a woman, it means that you are homophobic.  Hence, if you supported President Trump in 2016, who held up the gay pride flag at a rally, it means that you are racist.  You see, the gay pride flag does not have black or brown in it.  That's why he held it up on stage.  It was an affront to black and brown people.  It was a dog whistle, just like the racist MLB team owners (itself a racist term since it hearkens back to slavery) who allow their teams to put up three Ks after the home team strikes out three batters, spelling out KKK.  Don't believe me?  I have provided photo evidence with this article, proving the Mets are unequivocally racist.  That means that all Mets fans are also racist.  This display of racism that they allow to take place at nearly every game is almost as egregious as MLB not allowing blacks to play in the league until 1947, which is not excused by the fact that they begrudgingly allowed some wops like Joe DiMaggio to join the league before that.

If that was a poor example that confused you, here's another example.  If you supported President Obama in 2012, who had two Betsy Ross flags prominently displayed at his inauguration, it means that you are a racist.  It doesn't matter that President Obama is black.  Colin Kaepernick has a problem with the Betsy Ross flag, and he's been elected Nike Pope.  Plus a bunch of Leftists have said that the flag is racist, so it's racist now, just like a MAGA hat or a KKK hood.  Just imagine if Trump gets elected again in 2020 and displays two Betsy Ross flags at his inauguration.  That will just show for the thousandth time how racist he truly is.  It will be like giant middle finger to non-white America, telling them all to go back to where they came from.  After all, this isn't a one-off.  He has a history of saying racist things, like calling shithole countries shithole countries.  We all know that Haiti is a bastion of opulence thanks to the efforts of the Clinton Foundation.  Calling it a shithole country is a very racist thing to say.  It may be acceptable to tell Nancy Pelosi to go back to where she came from though, since she's white.  It isn't considered racist to tell her to go back to San Francisco, where people are literally shitting on the streets due to decades of Democrats controlling the city.

Speaking of Nancy Pelosi, even she's called BDS (the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement) anti-Semitic, to the chagrin of Omar (my nominee for worst person in Congress, and that's quite an honor considering all of the well-qualified folks to choose from) and Tlaib, who support the terrible organization.  But while it's fine to call Trump racist, the media is careful to call racism and anti-Semitism on the Left alleged, and the House of Representative even refused to condem Omar's anti-Semitic comments.  Omar, like President Trump, has used tropes that are steeped in a history of bigotry, such as making accusations of dual loyalty and saying that support for Israel is "All about the Benjamins."  She's even suggested that Israel has hypnotized the world, advocated leniency for a Muslim terrorist, and described 9/11 as "some people did something."  I'm not saying this in order to defend what Trump has said, because both Omar and Trump are wrong to have said these things (I'll let you decide which one is more ignorant and which one is worse), but I want to point out the difference in response.  Why is no one saying that anyone who supports Ilhan Omar is anti-Semitic?  Is it because it's a claim just as absurd as claiming that support for Trump translates to racism?  Or is it because if anyone says that, it's clearly being said because Omar is Muslim, which then makes it an Islamophobic remark?

No doubt, there are many on the Left who defend what Omar has said and condemn what Trump has said, and there are many on the Right who defend what Trump has said and condemn what Omar has said, but there are also many on both the Left and Right who, rightly, condemn the comments of both Trump and Omar.  I've brought up Omar first since Trump's comments seem directed more at her than at anyone else, due to her birthplace, whereas the other three members of "The Squad" were born in the United States.  Omar, along with Tlaib, Ayana Pressley, and the incredibly stupid Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, make up "The Squad" of four freshmen Congresswomen with terrible Leftist ideas, which is the reason they should be criticized.  No decent person cares that they are all women of color.  It's their ideas that are problematic, and I will treat those bad ideas the same whether they're coming from "The Squad" or from Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, or Jeremy Corbyn.

I could write pages on the ridiculous things that have come out of Ocasio-Cortez's pie hole, but plenty of people have already done that, so I'll skip her for now and go right to something that Ayanna Pressley said recently.  Speaking of those interested in running for office, Pressley said, "If you’re not prepared to come to that table and represent that voice, don’t come, because we don't need any more brown faces that don't want to be a brown voice. We don’t need black faces that don't want to be a black voice. We don't need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don't want to be a queer voice. If you’re worried about being marginalized and stereotyped, please don't even show up because we need you to represent that voice."  To her, brown voices, black voices, Muslim voices, and queer voices are all voices of the Left.  If you're brown, black, Muslim, or queer, and you hold values that are more Centrist or even Conservative, you don't have a brown, black, Muslim, or queer voice at all, so don't even bother coming to the table.  That means you, Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Allen West, and Clarence Thomas!  None of you have black voices.  Go away, Dinesh D'Souza and Ravi Zacharias!  You may be brown, but your voices are not.  Let's instead write absurd attack articles tearing down Panamanian-American Mariano Rivera.  Thank you, Daily Beast.  That's the best fucking way to fight racism.  Thanks for upholding the racist values of Ayanna Pressley.

But we can't say Ayanna Pressley is racist, because she's black and she has a black voice.  You can say that Ben Carson is racist though, because he's black, but he doesn't have a black voice.  See the difference?  In the modern day Democratic Plantation, if you're a person of color, if you're queer, or if you're a Muslim, you're only allowed to have a certain set of beliefs, and it's the one that those on the far Left believe that you should have.  This, you see, is the opposite of racism.  If you support the other side, especially if you support President Trump, you're racist.  If you support a candidate who believes in abortion and hangs out with Louis Farrakhan, it doesn't make you a baby murderer or an anti-Semite, but if you support the opposing candidate who has said xenophobic things on Twitter, among other highly questionable remarks, you're a racist.  After all, we knew President Trump was a racist from the moment he said there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville, even though his comments were taken out of context and he's clarified many times that he was not saying that there were any good neo-Nazis.  We know that's what he was really saying though.  It was a dog whistle.  Don't let him fool you.  He may be helping improve the lives of people of color all around the country right now, but it's all part of his racist plan to destroy them.

I hate bigotry.  I hate xenophobia.  I hate racism.  I call it out when I see it.  I've railed against even organizations led by Christians, such as Bob Jones University, for not allowing interracial dating until 2000.  I speak out when I see actions by police officers that appear to be motivated by race, which have occurred even in my own hometown.  Jackie Robinson is my favorite non-Yankee baseball player of all-time.  I grew up idolizing Mariano Rivera, Derek Jeter, Michael Jordan, and Emmitt Smith.  But, while I'm not a big fan of his, and I still really, really wish that he would miraculously stop saying dumb shit on Twitter, I'm probably going to vote for President Trump in 2020.  That makes me a racist.  Because if you're called a racist in America these days, it no longer necessarily means that you're racist.  It just means that you're not a Leftist.  And Leftists are generally the real racists.  President Trump isn't the one who wants to institute laws that disproportionately kill people of color before they are even born.  So I'd rather be called a racist than a Leftist.

Give me a damn Betsy Ross flag.