Tomorrow is Election Day here in the United States. Will you be voting for the old white guy who has said some things that sounded racist and was accused of sexual assault? Seeing as that question describes both Joe Biden and Donald Trump, you probably will be. If you don't want to do that, then isn't it time for a woman to be President? The best candidate for President is once again the Libertarian candidate, Jo Jorgensen. I may not agree with her on everything, including some pretty important issues (abortion included), but I'd vote for her if she had a snowball's chance in hell of becoming President. I really wish she had been a part of that first debate. I can't imagine she would not have shown herself to be better than all three of those geriatric white men on stage, the moderator included. However, I live in reality, and the Libertarian candidate once again has no chance whatsoever of winning this election. So I will cast my vote for President Donald Trump.
You might be asking yourself why I would possibly consider voting for a man so divisive, or why I'm voting for someone who has not handled the Covid-19 pandemic as well as he could have, or why I'm voting for someone who has not handle race relations as well as he could have. Heck, I'd rather sit down and have a beer with Joe Biden than Donald Trump, and not just because Trump doesn't drink. I don't hate Biden. I don't particularly like him either, but this isn't 2016. There was no circumstance in which I would have ever voted for Hillary Clinton. There are circumstances under which I would have voted for Joe Biden, but when he chose Kamala Harris as his running mate, the very small chance of me going in that direction went out the window.
The Congressional voting record of Kamala Harris shows her to be the furthest Left Senator of all of them. Forget that she was once a (terrible) prosecutor (who locked a lot of people up for drug charges that they shouldn't have been locked up for). Biden's selection of Harris shows that he is no longer the Joe Biden of old, who was often reasonable and capable of reaching across the aisle. He's gone Left. Hard. And while I do not know whether or not he would be able to get through an entire term at his age, especially while showing some possible signs of mental decline, the thought of President Kamala Harris is chilling.
My vote for Donald Trump is a vote against the Biden/Harris ticket, the furthest Left (and most pro-choice) major party ticket in the history of the United States. It's a vote against the mainstream media. It's a vote against the establishment and the (in the non-conspiratorial sense) deep state. It's a vote against the 1619 Project and the idea that America isn't great and never was. It's a vote against hate, delusion, and racism. It's a vote for a flawed man (who needs to shut the up on Twitter sometimes) with policies that I often agree with. It's a vote for the Constitution, the first and second amendment, and Originalist judges. It's a vote for our alliance with Israel, for less violence in the Middle East, and for a better Foreign Policy. It's a vote for first responders and (disproportionately minority) unborn lives. It's a vote for continued criminal justice reform, for protection of those with preexisting conditions, and for keeping your private insurance if you like it. It's a vote for a better economy, which was roaring before the pandemic hit, and will recover and climb to even greater heights, pulling many out of poverty along the way.
There are some things that many on the Left, the media included, would like you to think my vote is, but it is not. My vote is not for white supremacy (which Trump has condemned repeatedly), nor is it for the rich, nor is it for someone who colluded with Russia. It's not a vote that ignores the reality of Covid-19, or one that ignores science (like those who believe that there are no differences between boys and girls, that government overstep and Fascism will stop the pandemic, or that a fetus is not yet a life). It's not a vote for division. It's certainly not a vote for packing the Supreme Court by expanding it so the elected party can force its will on the people unchecked, via activist judges, rather than those we elect to Congress to make laws.
The media will also tell you that Trump is corrupt. Heck, the guy's done a number of unsavory things, but many have searched and none have found something truly incriminating. The Russian collusion was shown to be a hoax. The conversation with Ukraine may not have been perfect, but it pales in comparison to what the Biden family was apparently involved with over there, as well as in China. Of course, you may not have heard much about that story, or you may incorrectly think that it's been debunked or that it was (surprise!) Russian misinformation (Tony Bobulinski is very much American). That's because Democrats and mainstream media are working hard to stop you from hearing about it. They don't want a repeat of what happened in 2016, when James Comey announced in October that more of Hillary's e-mails were found, on Anthony Weiner's computer, and then subsequently that she was cleared of any wrongdoing. Whether or not Joe Biden is directly involved with what Hunter Biden was doing, and whether or not he did anything illegal, are questions yet to be definitively answered, regardless of what someone on the Left or Right may tell you. What is known is the extent to which big tech, mainstream media, and the Democrats will go to protect the Leftist agenda.
The New York Times released information from Trump's tax returns. Seeing as Trump didn't release his tax returns, there's a pretty good chance that someone obtained that information illegally and provided it to a reporter. Nonetheless, it absolutely should have been published. And Twitter and Facebook did not block that article, nor did they block any other articles damaging to Trump, even those that were unconfirmed or those where information was obtained illicitly. And that's fine too, even though Trump didn't collude with Russia and have a pee party with Russian hookers. What's not fine is that The New York Post story on the information found on Hunter Biden's laptop, which appears that it was not obtained illegally, nor did it contain false information (the e-mails have been verified), was blocked by Twitter and slowed by Facebook. And you won't hear about that story on any of the mainstream news networks, just Fox News and Independent news organizations. That's even more of a story than the Bidens allegedly taking millions of shady foreign dollars.
A few months ago, I didn't think there was much of a chance of Trump winning reelection. The Hunter Biden story, the sheer insanity and rioting of the Left, Biden's comments on moving away from fossil fuels and fracking, and the blatant election meddling by Twitter and Facebook, as well as the dishonesty of the mainstream media, just might give him a chance. Of course, while all that should result in a Trump victory, Biden remains up in the polls. It may not be probable, but it is now possible. The biggest things holding Trump back are many of his ridiculous tweets and comments, the pandemic, and Trump's inability to convince half of America that he isn't racist, whether by less than ideal comments about those who kneel in professional sports or by the media twisting his words to fit their narrative (watch the full video of the "very fine people on both sides" speech, and you might be surprised to find President Trump clearly pointing out that he is not referring to white supremacists).
Sure, Trump could have said a lot of things in better ways, and he could have set an example by more prominently wearing a mask and touting the wearing of a mask. It makes sense to wear masks when you're close to other people, especially when indoors, although it doesn't help much if you keep touching them like everyone seems to do, but our President is not directly responsible for the 225,000+ deaths because of mixed messages on masks, which all the health officials told us not to wear at the start of this whole thing anyway. How many lives have masks saved? And how many more can they save? I don't know. If someone tells you they do, they're lying. If someone tells you masks could have saved everyone, or lockdowns could have saved everyone, or Trump is responsible for the ongoing pandemic, they're lying. We're seeing spikes in places inside and outside of the country where masks are widely used and lockdowns have been ongoing. Trump could have done better, as could have many Republicans and Democrats we elected, but I believe that they are all doing the best they can.
Trump didn't have information that Congress wasn't aware of back in the early stages of the pandemic, and Democrats and Republicans alike were telling us to live our lives as normal. Sure, he knew it could become a serious problem, but they all did. He banned travel from China and was (big surprise) called xenophobic for it (by Joe Biden too). He banned travel from many other countries a while later. He hoped out loud that it would end soon. But it was too late. The virus got here months before we realized it. President Trump was hesitant to shutdown the economy, and he did not want to become the Fascist that the Left was pushing him to become. He was perhaps too optimistic. But I'm not delusional like Keith Olbermann, because Trump clearly should not stand trial for the Covid-19 deaths or face the death penalty (talk about incendiary speech, though I'll still fight for his right to say dumb things like that, by the way). The Democratic Governors who put Covid-19 patients into nursing homes should not stand trial for those deaths either, even though there's certainly a better case to be made there because, seriously, what the hell were those idiots thinking (I'm looking at you, five Governors including Cuomo and Whitmer)?
I'm voting for Trump because I think Government, in general, even when they mean well, is pretty incompetent, and it should be as small as possible. Yes, there a certain things Government should do, including building infrastructure and protecting the people (which does not include defunding the police, a BLM position that the vast majority of Black Americans are not aligned with), and yes, Republicans have failed at shrinking the size (and spending) of the Government. But the Left wants more Government power. Joe Biden wants to put Beto O'Rourke in charge of taking away your guns. And there's only one side that wants to shut down speech that they disagree with. How many people on the Right are calling for those they disagree with on the Left to be silenced or cancelled, whether by shutting them down online or by trying to make what they say become illegal? How many people on the Left are doing that? How many of them are talking about the pitfalls of free speech?
How many on the mainstream Left are telling you that there is no good Trump voter? That you should purge Trump voters from your life? They're racist! They're Nazis! They want to put y'all back in chains! You ain't black if you don't vote Democrat! They shouldn't be allowed to speak! A lot of them are saying these things. How many on the mainstream Right are saying that there is no good Biden voter? That you should purge Biden voters from your life? They're racist! The reason they want to take away your guns is because they're Nazis! They want to put ya'll back in chains! You ain't black if you don't vote Republican! I don't hear many of them saying these things.
That's why I'm voting for Donald Trump. It's why he won in 2016, and it's why he may win again in 2020. I'll walk to my polling place tomorrow, with my mask on, and vote for four more years. And for those of you who think my vote means something other than what I just told you it means, wake the fuck up, and learn to think for yourself. I vehemently oppose racism, as I oppose any threat to our freedom, and there are many like me. Don't project your own racism on me. I know black, brown, yellow, and white people who are voting for Trump. Some of my very best friends don't have the same color skin as I do, but they're voting the same way that I am. Stop ignoring their existence and writing them off while calling them coons, Uncle Toms, or whatever your pejorative of choice may be. If you don't know anyone voting for Trump who isn't white, that's your problem, not mine. Maybe you need a more diverse group of friends.
Some of my very best friends, of all different races, aren't voting the same way that I am, and they're entitled to their opinion as well. And we can still be friends. I think we can find common ground in that we all hope we have a clear winner one way or the other, the electoral process and litigation of ballots doesn't drag out for weeks (It's 2020 after all), and there aren't more riots, whatever that outcome may be. But I do very much hope that it's President Donald J. Trump for four more years.
Despite the negative press covfefe. Sad.