Remember back in 2018, when President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court? At the time, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford came forward and alleged that when Kavanaugh was 17, he groped her and tried to remove her clothes so he could rape her, but she was able to escape. And then a bunch of other women came forward with outlandish claims, including alleging Kavanaugh's involvement in gang rape. Kavanaugh was angry that people were saying knowingly false things in an attempt to keep him off the highest court in the land, ruin his life, and destroy his family. The Left said it was an unpardonable sin that Kavanaugh showed his emotion, and that he should be disqualified from consideration to fill the SCOTUS vacancy based on that alone. And also because he said he liked beer. Which is also bad. Nearly in unison, Leftists said they knew these women were all telling the truth, all women must be believed, and just the fact that he was accused of any of these things should have been reason enough to vote no on confirmation. Fuck due process.
After Kavanaugh was confirmed, most of these women recanted their claims, quietly retreating from the spotlight, and you barely heard a whisper about that in mainstream media. Ford was not one of those women. I said it at the time she first went public with her claims, and I'll say it again now: I do not know whether or not she is telling the truth. I don't care that most people to the left of me know she is telling the truth, and I don't care that most people to the right of me know that she is a liar. If you're one of those people from either side who claims to know exactly what did or did not happen at an unknown place sometime in probably 1982, to borrow a phrase from Joe Biden, you're a lying dog-faced pony soldier.
While we're on the topic of Joe Biden, he was recently accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade, who claims that he penetrated her with his finger without consent in a Capitol Hill basement while he was a sitting Senator. She used to work for Joe Biden, and she detailed exactly where and when it happened, as well as having people she told at the time confirm that she was saying the same thing then (in the 1990s) as she is now. Many of the same people who knew that Ford was lying know that Reade is telling the truth, just as many of those who knew that Ford was telling the truth know that Reade is lying.
Suddenly, the "believe all women" mantra had disappeared from the Left. Instead of calling for endless investigations, many are saying that it's already been investigated sufficiently, and Biden is clearly not guilty. His own campaign commented on how The New York Times ran an article that cleared him of any wrongdoing (it did not). They're not calling for additional investigations of a man who has already been investigated, as they were with Kavanaugh, but instead lining up to defend Joe Biden. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's defense of him is that "Joe Biden is Joe Biden." That's an accurate assessment, but not a reason to believe that he isn't guilty. I mean, the man has been accused of inappropriate touching before, by Amy Lappos and at least seven others, and there's plenty of video where he appears to be acting a bit too touchy around women and young girls. But don't worry, Joe Biden is Joe Biden. Imagine if Trump defended Brett Kavanuagh by saying that Brett Kavanaugh is Brett Kavanaugh. It would have been yet another reason to call for his impeachment.
To me personally, Joe Biden seems to act like a creepy Grandpa sometimes, but he never really struck me as a rapist or someone who would overtly sexually assault someone. He's just always kind of been creepy old Uncle Joe, odd but occasionally endearing. Yet, his other accusers and uncomfortable videos have been around for many years, standing in stark contrast to Kavanaugh's sterling reputation prior to Ford's accusation. You know what else stands in stark contrast to Ford's accusation? Reade's accusation. While Reade detailed where and when the alleged incident with Biden happened, Ford didn't know where or when the alleged incident with Kavanaugh happened. Reade didn't have other witnesses, but she had plenty of people confirm that she was telling the same story right after the incident as she is today. Ford named people who were supposedly at the party where the incident with Kavanaugh happened, and none of them remembered the party. Some of them didn't even know Kavanaugh, and none of them could corroborate Ford's story. Yet the narrative I'm supposed to believe is that Ford was definitely telling the truth and Reade is definitely lying? Is that the excuse for why mainstream media has treated Kavanaugh and Biden so differently?
The mainstream media was covering the Kavanaugh story non-stop, digging up everything they could to try to tear him down. They've barely covered the Biden story. One was nominated to serve on the Supreme Court. The other is the presumptive Democratic nominee for President of the United States, the most powerful position in the world. So what's the difference? Is it because one is a Republican and one is a Democrat? I think that oversimplifies it. Remember, many of the Democrats went after one of their own, Senator Al Franken, who was accused of doing something far less than either Kavanaugh or Biden have been accused of. They forced him out. Why? Well, because the Democratic Governor would just replace him with another Democrat. Kavanaugh serving on the Supreme Court and Biden serving as President are both far more consequential. To what? Well, a lot of things, but perhaps most prominently among them, abortion. Democrats fear that Kavanaugh will help overturn Roe v. Wade (which is unlikely), so they did whatever they could to keep him from becoming a Supreme Court Justice. Biden could name another Supreme Court Justice or two (or potentially more) if he becomes President, which would help protect Roe v. Wade and lead to other favorable decisions for the Left. They have to do whatever they can to defeat Donald Trump and elect Joe Biden.
Some Democrats are at least being honest about what's going on. A few of them are pointing out that Joe Biden should not be held to a different standard than Brett Kavanaugh, Al Franken, Donald Trump, or anyone else. Others are even admitting that they believe Reade's accusations are true, but they're going to vote for Biden anyway, because Trump must be defeated at all costs. But the majority, with mainstream media implicated most of all, are either remaining silent on Reade's accusation or dismissing it as a lie. We've come a long way in two years. Apparently the #MeToo movement is only important when it's convenient now.
To be clear, I am implicating the Left and mainstream media, and as Andrew Klavan is fond of saying, but I repeat myself. I do believe that Reade's accusations are more likely to be true than Ford's, as they at least include a when and where, but I do not know whether or not either one is telling the truth. I also do not know whether or not Brett Kavanaugh lied, or if Joe Biden is lying. And at this point, he probably doesn't know if he's lying either.