Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Small Smackerel of Extremism

I just read an article with the headline, "In nations with significant Muslim populations, much disdain for ISIS," to which the link was shared on Facebook by a friend of the far left.  I agree that most Muslims worldwide are against ISIS, and I decided to read the article (  Does anything here stick out to you as problematic?  A bit scary perhaps?  Yes, most people in these nations are against ISIS.  Great.  No surprise there.  Lebanon, 100% unfavorable view of ISIS.  Israel, 97%, with 1 % favorable and 2% who don't know.  OK.  Jordan, 94% unfavorable, 3% unfavorable.  Hmmm... Those are small percentages, but the overall numbers are starting to add up...

Palestine, we're up to 6% unfavorable.  Indonesia is at 4%, Turkey and Burkina Faso 8%.  Holy cow, Nigeria 14%?!?  Malaysia and Senegal 11%?  And what in the world is going on in Pakistan?  We have 28% there with an unfavorable view, 9% favorable, and 62% who don't know?  Are we letting anyone in here from Pakistan?  I can't believe I'm saying this, but Donald Trump is sounding less crazy suddenly (but still crazy).

Well, if we can take anything away from this one, it's that while most sane people agree that most Muslims are actually against ISIS, those small percentages sure add up pretty quickly.  And while not all the people in the nations listed here are Muslim, of course, with a billion plus Muslims in the world, we're talking about a small percentage of them who are in favor of or don't know whether or not they are in favor of ISIS, and that small percentage adds up to tens of millions of people, at least.  And there are also non-Muslims who are in favor to ISIS, as you will find out if you read the article (from which the graphic I used here is from).  Yikes...

But seriously...  Pakistan...  What is happening there?  I mean, once you get below the top three on the graphic, it's very disturbing, but 28% unfavorable is just insane...  Be careful out there folks.  Despite what you may have been told, we don't seem to have this thing under control quite yet.

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