Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Deadly Hate We've Been Ignoring

At least 50 people are dead, and 50 more injured, after an Islamic terrorist opened fire inside of a Gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.  In an act of terrorism fueled by hate from the very pit of hell, a lone terrorist, reportedly pledged to ISIS, carried out this massacre.  This man was a coward in every sense of the word.  Reports have come out that the reason he and his wife divorced was because he beat her.  And in the wee hours of the morning in a place where firearms are not allowed, where most people were drinking and trying to have a good time on a Saturday night, in a club packed largely with gay people, this man chose to murder people he hated who could not fight back.  The result was another shooting in a gun-free zone, with the largest death toll of any shooting in the history of our nation, and this time, the targets were homosexuals.  It was a hate crime.  It was terrorism.  Break the fuck out of your chains of political correctness and acknowledge the fact that this was an act of Radical Islamic terrorism, carried out by a Radical Islamic extremist.  Ignoring the elephant in the room is no longer an option when that elephant goes on a deadly rampage.

You are not speaking out against all Muslims by condemning the extremist followers of Islam who are terrorists.  Why won't you say it?  You'll condemn the Christian baker who won't bake a specific cake for a homosexual wedding.  You'll applaud as the government allows the lives of the baker's entire family to be ruined by a six-figure financial penalty for not baking that cake.  You'll talk about those intolerant Christians and say that they're what's wrong with America.  It's not like they have the right to hurt your feelings by not selling you baked goods customized for your gay wedding if they take religious exception to it, right?  And they're against women's rights too!  They're trying to make abortion illegal.  How dare they try to limit the situations in which you can murder the child living inside of your own body?  And then you'll say that they're not just homophobic and against women's rights.  They're Islamophobic too.  How dare they say that Muslims don't worship the same God as them?  How dare they point out that Islam's great prophet married and had sex with a prepubescent girl?  How dare they use the term "Islamic Terrorist" and accuse any Muslims, all of whom are peaceful, of being against women's rights and homosexuals?

I think that maybe the Left in this country was under the delusion that they had an unspoken deal with all the Muslims.  They'll go to bat for the rights of Muslims in exchange for them not acting out against homosexuals or women.  Perhaps they believed that Muslims, homosexuals, and women in this country were all united together somehow, against the Right.  You see, while the majority of Muslims in the United States are indeed peaceful, there are some here and many around the world who are not.  They follow Islamic teachings in which violence against women is accepted, and the punishment for homosexuality is death.  Following through with the latter belief is a textbook example of Islamic terrorism.  And that's what we have here.  A mass execution of homosexuals by a militant follower of Islam.  He would have killed all 350 people in that club if he could have.  And every single mosque in the world is under the obligation to condemn this act, but not every single one will.  Because some of them are indeed breeding grounds for more terrorists like him.  To them, homosexuals deserve to die, so he is a hero.  And to Westboro Baptist Church, he is an agent bringing God's judgement upon homosexuals.  We must condemn radical, evil religion of all types, including those who are or claim to be Muslim, Jewish, Christian, or whatever.  It is never acceptable to kill people because of their sexual orientation, their race, or their gender.

For those of you who don't know, Westboro Baptist Church is a hate group masquerading as a Christian church.  They hate a lot of things, but they especially hate homosexuals.  The Jesus they follow is not the Jesus of the Bible.  The Jesus of the Bible ate dinner with prostitutes and thieving tax collectors.  The Jesus of the Bible would eat dinner with homosexuals today.  Christians are supposed to show the love of Jesus Christ to the world.  This is not what Westboro Baptist Church is doing when it spews its hate and directly contradicts the Bible by stating that "God hates fags."  This is not true.  The Bible is crystal clear that God loves all people.  What the people who belong to this group do and say is appalling, no doubt, but at least they are not going around killing homosexuals, even if they take sick joy in those who do.

And in this particular case, in the worst mass shooting in the history of our nation, "those who do" boils down to one Islamic terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS and apparently acted alone.  Yet the FBI had been monitoring him as a possible terrorist before he carried out the mass murder.  If I say that it's problematic that he was able to legally buy a gun, I'll upset the Left if I say that the reason he shouldn't have a gun is because he's a Muslim who might be a terrorist.  That's not politically correct.  If I say that the reason he shouldn't have a gun is because people suspected of being terrorists by the government shouldn't have a gun, I'll upset the Right.  What we can all agree on is that he shouldn't have had a gun.  So why don't we fix the terror watch list so it doesn't suck as bad as the rest of the things that the government runs, and then we can not allow people like him to have guns?  If the FBI thinks that you might be a terrorist pledged to ISIS, you should not have a gun!  Also, were there not any previous complaints against him for viciously beating his wife?  We have violence against women, and violence against homosexuals.  He beat his wife without a gun, and he killed those at the club with a gun.  There are hundreds of millions of other guns in this country that were not used to massacre 50 people in a gay nightclub, where guns are not allowed.  At the very heart of this tragedy, beyond whatever violent means are used, is homosexual-hating, woman-hating Radical Islam. 

Hateful religious extremism kills.  And gun-free zones are easy targets.  The target was not a Gays with Guns club.  It was a Gay nightclub, where the only people with guns were the authorities who came in and killed the terrorist after he had already killed 50 people.  Fifty.  Thinking about that makes me sick to my stomach.  And this happened in Orlando.  I've been to Orlando.  Disney World is in Orlando.  It's supposed to be the happiest place on earth.  On this day, it was the saddest place on earth.  These people did not deserve to be murdered.  I am a Christian, and while I do indeed believe that homosexual acts are against the Bible, I do not take issue with the Supreme Court's ruling that allows them to get married.  There must be separation of Church and State, and the case considered was a matter of State, and thus the decision made sense, but I would vehemently oppose any legislation that would mandate a church to perform a gay marriage ceremony.  However, Christians are called to show everyone the great Love of Christ, especially homosexuals.  They will know we are Christians by our love.  And while I have friends who are Christians who would refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding, and I respect their decision, I am on the side with my friends who would not refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding.  I don't care.  It's just cake.

But while we are distracted fighting over baked goods, evil lurks and plots its move.  Like many people, I have friends who are Christians, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, and Muslims.  My Muslim friends are peaceful.  If you have a Muslim friend who beats his wife and/or has pledged to ISIS, please report him to the authorities immediately.  If you have a friend of any religion who appears to want to murder people, please report him or her to the authorities immediately.  The signs of extremism are often there long before a massacre is planned.  We must take action when we see these signs.  Evil is lurking in our midst.  We can no longer ignore it.  And lately, it has manifested itself in the form of Radical Islamic Terrorism.  While I may not agree with Donald Trump's idea that we should ban all Muslims from entering the United States, it sure makes a hell of a lot more sense than refusing to accept that we need to acknowledge and vanquish our very serious problem of Radical Islamic Terrorism.  My heart aches for the victims and their families and friends.  God help us.

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