Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Locker Room Talk

I endorsed Gary Johnson.  In any other election year, I would not have endorsed Gary Johnson.  If just about anyone else had been nominated for the Republicans, or if Jim Webb had been nominated for the Democrats, I would not have endorsed Gary Johnson.  But we have two of the absolute worst candidates in history as our major party nominees.  I cannot endorse Hillary Clinton.  I cannot endorse Donald Trump.  I don't understand any reason for the high level of Evangelical Christian support for Trump, except for the high probability that his Supreme Court nominees would be better than Clinton's, more supportive of the First and Second amendments and hopefully more pro-life.

Yes, Hillary's campaign released the video of Donald Trump's disturbing comments from 11 years ago as a planned October Surprise, and it distracts from the latest Wikileaks releases, but I can't defend it.  It's not typical locker room talk.  I know that because I am a heterosexual man.  I have been in locker rooms with other men.  Yes, we talk about women in the locker rooms.  Many men talk about their (consensual) sexual conquests, but I can only recall one time in my life where I heard a man talking in the locker room about a sexual conquest of questionable consent, whether in jest or not.  I can't say that I've ever heard a man say that he likes to just "grab women by the pussy."  Even if it's not true, sexual assault is not a joke.  If Donald's claim that "No one has more respect for women than I do" is true, we are absolutely fucked.  There is no nicer way of saying that.  But it's not true, so don't worry about that.  There are plenty of men who have a whole lot of respect for women.

But Hillary Clinton is not the right person to call Donald Trump out on his comments.  I don't think she understands the actual problem with Donald's "locker room talk."  In Sunday's debate, she lumped together Trump's problematic comment with far less problematic actual locker room talk.  In her own words, "We've seen this throughout the campaign.  We have seen him insult women.  We've seen him rate women on their appearance, ranking them from one to ten."  Ranking women from one to ten IS actual locker room talk.  Men DO talk about the appearance of women.  This is something that MOST men do.  I can see why some will say that even that is problematic, but like it or not, talking about how women look and rating them from 1-10 is typical locker room talk.  Sorry ladies, that's just how it is.  But talking about or joking about sexually assaulting women?  That is NOT what most men talk about.

I don't think Hillary knows the reason why Trump's comments are more problematic than rating a woman's appearance though.  How could she?  Donald Trump may have said bad things, and he may have had some allegations against him, but he's not sexually assaulting women on a Bill C (Clinton, Cosby) level.  The main issue with Bill Clinton is not his infidelity.  It's the many women who have accused him of sexual assault over the years, and also accused Hillary of threatening them and protecting him.  Sure, somehow the Clintons have gotten away without any real consequences over the years, just like Cosby did for so many decades, but does Hillary really expect us to believe that she never knew about what her husband was doing, never defended him, and never threatened his accusers and victims?  She's not trustworthy on most other things, so why would we trust her on that?  After all, she laughed about her days as a lawyer, successfully getting a man off easy who she defended and knew was guilty of raping a 12-year-old girl.  Some defender of women's rights.  That's even less funny than Trump's comments about just going around grabbing vaginas.

Check out Steven Crowder's interview with Juanita Broaddrick from last week if you want to hear what a 73-year-old woman with nothing to gain has to say about Bill Clinton raping her and Hillary Clinton threatening her decades ago.  It doesn't sound to me like she's making it up.  Just remember what Hillary Clinton said about how women who come forward with rape allegations should initially be believed, although she quickly took that idea down from her website when Broaddrick resurfaced.  Strange coincidence, like so many other things in Hillary's life.

It is not a pleasant thought that either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will very likely be our next President.  I know that a Gary Johnson victory is nearly impossible at this point, seeing as he's been kept out of the debates by the bullshit commission.  The best case scenario would be for Trump to drop out of the race, presumably with Mike Pence to take his place atop the ticket.  But that's probably not going to happen.  And Hillary isn't going to drop out either, although if the VP Debate showed us anything it's that Tim Kaine is horribly unprepared to be President and is creepy AF.

On a lighter note, what a motley crew in the Town Hall Debate audience!  You can't make this stuff up.  We literally have a guy named Ken Bone who looks likes some sort of caricature, and then a guy so big that there can only be one other person in his row, while every other row has three people in it.  And they're surrounded by what appear to be Saturday Night Live characters.  Speaking of which, the SNL cold open this weekend will once again write itself.  I mean, half of it can just be quoting exactly what was said at the debate.

Ultimately, America will be just fine, but the next four years are going to be interesting to say the least.

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