Monday, August 10, 2015

Little Black Lives Matter Too

Let's play a very disturbing game of fill in the blank.

Blacks make up only 13% of the population in America but account for 37% of _____.

If you guessed people shot by the police, you're wrong.

Late last year, Bill O'Reilly said that in 2012 (which was the most recent years for which statistics were available), 123 blacks were shot and killed by police, compared to 326 whites that same year.  As I mentioned, blacks make up 13% of the population.  Whites account for about 63% of the population.  So, if 123 blacks were shot and killed and the same percentage of whites were shot and killed, we would expect 596 whites to be killed.  But that wasn't the case.  Simple math will tell you that 326 is about 55% of 596, meaning that black people are roughly twice as likely to be killed by police than white people.  There are plenty of points to debate here, but let's at least agree that this sounds like a problem, and that's a large part of why the #blacklivesmatter movement is happening.

But what if Michael Brown's mother decided to kill him while he was still in the womb?  Would he matter then?  It matters to God, and it should matter to us.  The answer to the fill-in-the-blank I started with is ABORTIONS.  The black lives taken by police all matter, and it's sad that some still need to be reminded of that, but when we talk about abortion, we are talking about HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of black lives.  When, exactly, does a life start to matter, notably when a particular race is being killed at a higher rate than other races?

Unborn black babies are five times more likely to be aborted than unborn white babies.

Eighty percent of Planned Parenthood's abortion clinics are located in minority neighborhoods.


(The statistics and the graphic are from by the way.)

I am all for women's rights, and I am all for birth control, but I am all against abortion, which I do not classify as either.  To put it nicely, abortion is the extinguishing of innocent lives.  There's a reason so many people don't want to watch those videos that recently came out that show Planned Parenthood selling the organs of aborted babies.  Yes, of course they were edited, although the unedited versions were also posted.  I haven't watched the unedited versions, because they are hours long, but I have watched several of the shorter videos that were released.  To borrow a phrase from Krusty the Clown to describe those videos, they would make Santa Claus himself vomit with rage.

If you don't think aborting a fetus is killing a life, please watch those videos.  Or watch a video of an abortion itself.  Or look at some pictures of aborted babies.  Are you disgusted yet?  If not, there is something wrong with you.

How is it that it's illegal in this country to destroy eggs of certain animal species, but it is legal to kill unborn babies?  How is it that there is such a racial disparity in abortions, yet there are no protests over that?  How is it that our government is still funding Planned Parenthood?

I agree with sex education.  Kids need to be taught about safe sex before they start having sex.  Abstinence-only education doesn't work.  Sorry, Sarah Palin.  Your daughter is a grown-up now, so I can say this very bluntly.  She is proof that you are wrong.  She's proved it twice now.  Hey, abstinence is the best way to not have an unplanned pregnancy or get an STD, but let's face it, the vast majority of people in this country, regardless of religion or race or anything else, are going to have sex outside of marriage.  Thus, they must be taught about other forms of birth control before they get to the point where Planned Parenthood is brainwashing them by putting abortion under the label of birth control.  Condoms and other methods of birth control are great.  The morning after pill is not great, but should probably be available as the last-ditch effort of birth control.  Once that zygote becomes an embryo, and even more so, once that embryo becomes a fetus, that is undoubtedly a life.

Sure, some may argue about when the exact point is when life begins.  Is it at the moment of conception?  Is it when the zygote becomes an embryo?  Whatever the right answer to that is, I can tell you that when organs can be harvested, it is a life.  When it can feel pain, it is a life.  When it is ACTUALLY BORN ALIVE AND LEFT TO DIE, it is a life.  How in the world is it defensible to kill a baby that has its organs formed and can feel pain?  WAKE UP, AMERICA!  It's not "tissue."  It's a baby.  It's a life.  This is pure evil.

I don't blame the mothers as much as I blame Planned Parenthood and those who allowed abortion to become and remain legal.  That's not to say that the mothers are blameless, but we need to show them love and respect in a time when they are obviously making a very difficult and emotional decision.  We can't have people, many who call themselves Christians, yelling at them as they go into abortion clinics that they are whores or murderers or whatever else.  We need to show them love.  We need to show them that there are better ways than abortion.  And we need to change the culture in America to stop hundreds of thousands of unborn babies from being killed every year.  God loves these mothers.  God loves the babies living inside of them.  Aborted babies may never have names here on earth, but God has a name and a place for them in His kingdom.

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