Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Our world is in peril.  Gaia, the spirit of Earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet.  She gives five magic rings to--Oh, sorry, that's the wrong subject entirely.  That's the Captain Planet intro.  Who remembers the 90s?  Someone needs to reboot that.  Anyone with me?  No?  Is it the because of the cheesy humor or the terrible plots toward the end of the show's run?  Hopefully it's not the cheesy humor, because you'll find a lot of that here too.  Heck, I can write the screenplay to this thing.  How about it?  Should it be cartoon or live action?  Oh, and Wheeler finally gets to hook up with Linka.  Totally.

Alright, on to more real things.  Gaia is, of course, a fictional character.  God, however, is not, no matter how many people think so, or at least say they do.  I've found that there are many more agnostics than atheists though.  But enough about you.  Let's talk about me.  I'm a Christian.  I believe in God, and I am saved by Jesus Christ.  Please don't confuse me with the folks from Westboro Baptist Church.  I'm not sure what Jesus they serve, but it's not the one I know and love.  You know, the Jesus of the Bible.  The one who's all about love.  Yeah.  I'm not perfect by any means, but it's pretty clear that God does not hate "fags" as they so love to say.  In fact, quite the opposite is true.  The Bible is crystal clear on that.  God loves homosexuals, heterosexuals, bisexuals--everyone, in fact.  He loves us so much that he sent Jesus into the world to die for our sins.  And if you believe in Jesus and ask him into your heart--and you truly mean it--you will be saved and spend eternity with God.

Now that the most important thing has been said, I would like to make a disclaimer here.  I am a Christian, and I am a thinking person.  I'm not one of those mindless Christians who accepts everything because a Pastor says it's true.  You shouldn't be either.  Because what if it's wrong?  Things that people say need to be evaluated in light of the scriptures and reality.  I'm writing this blog to share my opinions, and I welcome dialogue.  I'm sure that everyone reading this will disagree with me on something, or be offended by something I say.  And you know what, some of my opinions are probably wrong.  That's what dialogue is for.  Maybe my opinions will change, and maybe they won't, but they certainly won't change if the dialogue simply consists of someone commenting that I am an idiot who is going to hell.  That is not constructive, and it just shows your own stupidity.  So feel free to comment.  Feel free to agree or disagree with anything I say.

I have some pretty unique ideas to offer.  I agree with Ben Carson on some things, and Bernie Sanders on others (Yes, I'm aware that one is a Conservative and the other is a Socialist), but mostly I just wish the 2000 version of John McCain had become President.  Joe Lieberman should have been the VP on his ticket in 2008.  I'm more liberal than most people at my church, and more conservative than most people at my alma mater (Wesleyan University).  So yes, I have some unique perspectives, and with all the crazy stuff going on right now, it's a good time for me to start blogging again.

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