Dear Donald,
I don't think it's quite sunk in yet for most of America that you are actually the President-elect. I predicted that they would win the World Series for the first time since 1908 this year, but I did not predict your Presidency. I did not think you had any chance of securing the Republican nomination through most of the primaries, but you became the nominee. Even then, I thought the chance of you winning the Presidency was pretty slim, despite Hillary being such a terrible candidate. After the indefensible comments you made on a bus 11 years ago surfaced, I resigned myself to the very uncomfortable likelihood that Hillary Clinton would be our next Commander-in-Chief. But you kept saying things about how you would win because you're such a winner, and how you were bringing people to the polls to vote for you who had voted Democrat four years ago or not even voted at all recently. Millions of people laughed at you, but you somehow did what you said you would do. Now, how about you start working on some of the other things you said you were going to do, like making life better for ALL Americans and uniting this nation again?
I went to a very Liberal University, Mr. President-elect. Some of the things I saw on Facebook following your win were disturbing, others were uninformed, and others were just plain hilarious. But regardless of my feelings on the topic, I will tell you that a lot of people in this nation are very scared. Maybe it's in part because of the biased mainstream media, maybe it's in part because of the biased Universities that helped to shape their thought process, and maybe it's in part because of the things you have said, the rhetoric you have used, and the small factions of loud, terrible, hateful people who have been stirred up by you, whether it was your intent or not. Appointing Steve Bannon to any position even near the White House is not going to help unite this nation. There are worse people you could have nominated, no doubt, but there are plenty of better ones too. And maybe Trey Gowdy wasn't eyeing the Attorney General job, but I wonder if Jason Chaffetz would have been interested. Jeff Sessions may be a better choice than Rudy Giuliani, who is an American hero but seems to be losing it a bit, but maybe instead of rewarding those who were most loyal to you, you can focus on doing one of the things you've done well throughout your life, from running your business to hiring Kellyanne Conway: Hire the best person for each job. If they don't do well, fire them.
You've surrounded yourself with some great people, Mr. Trump. Ivanka and all of your other children seem wonderful, which was the one thing Hillary complimented on you during those vicious debates. Your wife is great. Listen to her. Ben Carson is a brilliant and principled man, despite what the left says and possible narcolepsy. Listen to him between his catnaps. And Mike Pence was a solid choice for VP, even though I don't agree with him on every issue (nor do you, which is fine, because it's better you hire the best person for the job, even if you don't agree with that person on everything). Keep Kellyanne Conway close too, because she's a huge reason why you got where you are. And apparently Newt Gingrich is still kicking, and he is a political insider who can help you in that regard at least. You can't do this alone. You now have the most important job in the world, and you need a spectacular team to work with you in moving this nation forward.
I'm glad you told the people doing hateful things in your name to stop it, and I'm glad you condemned the white nationalists and the like. It won't be enough for everyone, but feel free to keep calling them out from time to time as long as their bullshit continues. In fact, if I were you, I would issue a few minute statement addressing a whole range of people who feel threatened by your Presidency, whether that threat is real or perceived. Tell the Hispanics and Latinos that you love them and have nothing against them. Sure, there are some illegal immigrants who come here and commit heinous crimes, but that does not represent the majority of Mexicans. Tell African Americans that you're working for them, and that you won't tolerate discrimination against them. Tell women that you've made poor decisions in the past and said and did some offensive and immoral things, but you don't have a problem with women, especially strong, intelligent, successful women, such as your daughters and your wife. Explain that being pro-life IS being pro-woman, although most of the left will still fight you on that issue. I don't care what you said about Rosie O'Donnell, by the way. Most people don't. I'd be happy to see her move to Canada.
Tell the LGBTQ community that you are there for them, you love them, and you want to protect them from hate of all kinds, whether violent Islamic extremists or so-called Christians calling them names or telling them that "fags go to hell." I take a Libertarian view on Gay Marriage personally, but I too am fine with the Supreme Court's ruling on Gay Marriage, and I'm glad you stated that you see it as a done deal. I'm fine with you waving the gay pride flag on stage like you did, though there's no need to light the White House in rainbow colors. But on the other hand, you must assure those of us whose religions do not accept homosexuality that while the government will recognize gay unions and grant equal rights to homosexuals, churches will never be obligated to perform gay marriages, nor will individuals or business owners be forced to participate in gay marriages in any way if they believe it is against their religion.
Tell Muslims that you have no problem with the majority of Muslims, who are peaceful, and that you're not going to round up Muslims and deport them. Explain that any immigration bans or heavy restrictions would be country-specific, not based on religion. Tell them that is is Islamic Extremism, the same thing that concerns many of them, that also concerns you. Tell them there is no place for that sort of thing in our country. America will never be a place where Sharia law is acceptable, where it is acceptable to kill homosexuals and treat women as objects or second class citizens. And yes, you must defeat ISIS for good, but I hope we can avoid further wars.
Tell God that you seek forgiveness for your sins, if you truly do. You said during your campaign that you don't ask for forgiveness, but you just try to do better next time. That is in no way a Christian thought. Ask Ben Carson or Mike Pence for guidance on this one. I hope you have truly accepted Jesus Christ as your savior. No, it's not a requirement for you to do that in order to be President, and no, you shouldn't pretend that you've done that if you haven't, but I pray that if you haven't, that you do. I pray that Christ will guide you ask you lead this nation. Separation of Church and State is imperative, but a President rooted in Judaeo-Christian principles will do well. If you have truly sought forgiveness from God, tell the American people that, and ask them to forgive you for anything wrong that you've done against any of them as well. Yes, Donald, a great leader must be strong, but a great leader must also be humble and admit when he is wrong.
You know how a lot of the people who voted for Hillary are always talking about how they need their safe space and trying to limit free speech by attempting to absurdly broaden the definition of hate speech, at times to even include showing support of your candidacy? Well, you sounded a lot like them when you started Tweeting about how the theater should be a safe place and the actors owe Mike Pence an apology for lecturing him. Whether or not you agree with what they did, they had the right to do it, and you don't need to call them out about it on Twitter. Dude, you're going to be our President soon. You can tone it down a bit on Twitter and act Presidential. I mean, you're entitled to say what you want, but just some friendly advice here... And yes, the media blew this whole Hamilton thing out of proportion, and the media is not in a good place right now, but don't forget that freedom of the press is one of the five pillars of the first amendment, along with freedom of religion, freedom of speech, right to peacefully assemble, and right to petition the government. Don't be a threat to the First Amendment in any way, and don't tolerate anyone who is. The same holds true for the Second Amendment, the other amendments, due process, and the other necessities that the founders of our nation put into place.
I don't know what to expect from you as President, Mr. Trump. I am cautiously optimistic, but vigilant. I hope you follow many of the examples set forth by Ronald Reagan. I hope you bring this nation together, help those in need, help facilitate more job creation, make life better for the poor and middle class, lead the United States as a force for good and humanitarian aid throughout the world, defeat ISIS, and overcome hate with love. I wish success for you and for this great nation, which already is great, but can continually strive to be even better. You surprised a lot of people by getting nominated, you surprised more people by winning the election, and now you must surprise a great many more people and become a great President for all the citizens of this nation. That will be a far greater challenge than anything you have ever taken on before.
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