Sunday, November 6, 2016

Donald Trump is Not Qualified to be President: Here's Why I've Decided to Vote for Him

I'd really like to be writing about the Cubs right now instead.  Until this past week, the last time they won the World Series, the great Teddy Roosevelt was President and America was about to elect its fattest President, William Howard Taft.  Now, although several third party candidates are better than the two nominated by the main parties, we basically have two awful candidates to choose from.  I endorsed Libertarian Gary Johnson a while back.  Although he's shown himself to be a not-so-great candidate, I still think he's better than Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.  The Libertarian Party, whether with Johnson as the nominee or with someone else, could have done much better.  Most sane people in this country don't like either of the top two choices.  This was an opportunity missed.  And it didn't help that Gary Johnson was not allowed to debate because he wasn't polling 15%.  Now his goal is to get 5% nationally so the Libertarian Party will receive additional funding.  I hope he gets it, but if the Libertarian Party missed so great an opportunity here in 2016, I'm not sure that money would make much of a difference in 2020.  And after the past few weeks, I've decided personally that I will not be part of the Johnson percentage.  I am no longer feeling the Johnson.  Here's why...

Donald Trump is entirely unqualified to be President of the United States.  He has no experience in politics, he doesn't know what it takes to be President, he says things that make me cringe, he stands for things that I do not, and he surrounds himself with good people.  Hillary Clinton is entirely qualified to be President of the United States.  She has plenty of experience in politics, she knows what it takes to be President, she gives calculated answers to questions, she stands for things that are politically expedient for her, and she surrounds herself with terrible people.  The last few weeks have really made me realize that my third party vote, while it may be an easy way out for me to say that I didn't vote for either the Turd Sandwich or the Giant Douche, is barely better than not voting at all.  If folks want to not vote, or vote third party, or vote for Hillary, or vote for Trump, I do not take issue with that.  I say vote your conscience.  Ted Cruz was right when he said that.  Don't expect me to repeat that last sentence very often...  But because of who Hillary Clinton is, what she has done, and who she surrounds herself with, I cannot in good conscience vote for Hillary Clinton, and I must cast my vote directly against her to Donald Trump.  I hope they have designated vomiting places at the polls this year, because I might need to make use of them.

Yeah, I've seen the snarky Liberal websites listing the many terrible things that Donald has said and done (mostly said) juxtaposed with the one thing Hillary ever did wrong, mishandling her e-mails.  Bullshit.  She has done so many things way more concerning than that.  Let's start with who she surrounds herself with.  Bill Clinton, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, Sidney Blumenthal, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazile...  So we have a former President, Bill Clinton, accused of rape and sexual assault by many women who isn't in as much hot water as Bill Cosby because he's a former President.  We have a woman, Huma Abedin, with awful judgement who has been Hillary's right-hand woman for decades and may or may not have ties to terrorists but is definitely married to a disgraced former congressman, Anthony Weiner, who she is now finally divorcing because he's been found sexting other women, again, this time including one who is allegedly underage.  Wow.  Oh, yeah, and in searching the computer this lovely couple shared for anything sexual in relation to children, the FBI found a bunch of e-mails on the computer related to Hillary Clinton and had to re-open that whole investigation.  This almost makes the other three I listed seem almost benign.  The former DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had to resign in disgrace after being caught doing everything she could to help Hillary beat Bernie and then was immediately hired by Hillary.  Sidney Blumenthal worked for the corrupt Clinton Foundation and was in part responsible for Hillary blaming the Benghazi attacks on an online video.  Donna Brazile worked at CNN but became the interim DNC chair and was just fired from CNN after leaked e-mails showed that she gave debate questions to Hillary's campaign ahead of her debates with Bernie on multiple occasions.  I left out other close confidants of hers for the sake of time.  How is John Podesta not among the six worst?  Good Lord. And Tim Kaine.  Wow.  I didn't even mention Tim Kaine.  Just watch his debate against Mike Pence if you haven't.  He got destroyed in that debate as badly as Trump got destroyed by Hillary in their first debate.  He is awful, kind of creepy, and in no way prepared to be President.  He may be the best of this bunch though.

In contrast, Trump has surrounded himself with much better people.  Though I disagree with some of Mike Pence's political views, I agree with him more than I don't, and he's a decent human being who would do well as President.  And Ben Carson, I just love.  I might have a man-crush on Dr. Carson.  He is a principled and brilliant man who would make a wonderful Surgeon General.  And even Hillary complimented how well Donald's children turned out, and they certainly have his ear.  Melania would make a solid First Lady, and she gives Michelle Obama's speeches just as well as Michelle gives them.  She's a strong and independent woman who immigrated to our country legally.  Kellyanne Conway is a strong and brilliant woman as well, far superior to John Podesta.  And maybe Trump would choose Trey Gowdy as Attorney General!  And I like his list of potential Supreme Court nominees.  Donald Trump is probably the worst of this bunch, which means that as far as the people he surrounds himself with, at least he has better judgement than Hillary.  By a lot.

So why won't I vote for Hillary?  It's not because she set up a private server with classified information on it in the e-mail scandal, although that alone should have stripped her of her security clearance and disqualified her from running for President.  It's not because of our people who died in Benghazi during her tenure while she was Secretary of State, although if she takes credit for killing Osama bin Laden, she should also take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi since it was on her watch.  In addition to her inner circle of deplorables, it's because of what the Project Veritas videos show, what the Wikileaks e-mails show, and what the re-opened FBI investigation is telling us.  And it's not merely because of the existence of these things either, but because of their content. Anyone who thinks that Hillary is a good candidate after examining all of the evidence is a special kind of deranged.

If you haven't watched the Project Veritas videos, please educate yourself.  They show a culture of corruption and win-at-all-costs (disregarding legality and morality) within the Clinton campaign and other groups working to get Clinton elected.  Several people have been forced to leave their jobs after these videos were released, perhaps most notably Bob Creamer and Scott Foval.  They're all claiming that what was talked about in the videos was hypothetical and never actually happened.  These "hypothetical" things include Foval bragging about inciting violence at Trump rallies, paying mentally-ill people to "do shit" and paying homeless people to "do some crazy stuff" (but it's cool because he gave them a hotel room and shower too).  The videos also showed illegal collaboration with the Clinton campaign, racist remarks, acceptance of illegal foreign donations, and many other cringe-worthy things that can make you lose faith in the Democratic Party.

As far as Wikileaks, that's been a treasure trove of terrible things as well, exposing the aforementioned Donna Brazile debate question leaks, among other things, but perhaps none more important than the statement that Qatar and Saudi Arabia "are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region."  The significance of this is that it means that both the Clinton Foundation and ISIS are being partly funded by the Governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and this is something Clinton would obviously know.  Do we really want Hillary Clinton to be the President of the United States, knowing this information?  Donald Trump's comically ridiculous assertion that "no one respects women more than me" that he made several times pales in comparison to Hillary Clinton's acceptance of money from countries that really, really, really don't respect women.  Or gays for that matter.  It honestly wouldn't surprise me if Donald Trump is further to the left on gay rights than Hillary is.  I don't think he actually cares whether or not gays get married in reality.  I could be wrong on that, of course.  But remember, Barack Obama was against Gay Marriage when he first ran for office.  Hillary Clinton was against Gay Marriage until the tides turned recently.  Heck, I was as well.  But Dick Cheney changed his mind on Gay Marriage before Hillary did, for goodness sake, and Hillary is cool with accepting money from countries where gay rights are non-existent.  Like, it's literally fine if you want to throw gay people off a cliff.  I'm not good with that.  I'd be remiss if I didn't address Mike Pence here, so I'll say that if it's acceptable for someone to change their sex, then it's acceptable for someone to enter conversion therapy to go from gay to straight, as long as that person makes that choice for him or herself and is not forced into it.

So, Project Veritas is something done by United States citizens, Wikileaks comes from several places (and according to Julian Assange, not from the Russian Government, but wherever it's coming from, it's exposing disturbing truths), and on top of this we have the FBI re-opening the investigation into e-mails related to Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin.  Hopefully they will find more evidence of the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play that we know is occurring, although it seems unlikely that Comey-comey-comey-comey-comey-chameleon will actually charge Hillary on anything related to her handling of classified information.  Whatever happens, I just hope the truth comes out.

I get that Trump is awful.  He's insulted Mexicans, Muslims, women, most demographics really.  He's said dumb things about nukes, punishing women who get abortions, and other things that he's walked back.  He talked about sexually assaulting women, whether it was a joke or not.  He told Howard Stern that he was probably for the war in Iraq before it began, but then later came out against it, still before it began, while Hillary was a Senator and voted for it.  There's no proof that he has ties to Putin and Russia, but he said it would be nice if we could get along with them.  War with Russia is more likely with Clinton, a true war-hawk.  How many tens of thousands of innocent deaths is the United States Government responsible for because of what was done under her watch in Libya, toppling Gaddafi?  What of her policies in the Middle East?  What of her deal with Morocco?  What of the Clinton Foundation screwing over Haiti, with billions of dollars unaccounted for?  Yes, Trump is terrible.  He says racist things.  He says sexist things.  He apparently mocked a disabled reporter.  But voting for him over her does not make a person racist of sexist.  It doesn't make you more of less of a Christian (or whatever your faith or lack thereof may be), or a better or worse person.  There are reasons to vote against each of these two candidates, and not too many reasons to vote for either of them.  I've decided to vote for Trump.  Don't call me sexist unless you would support Carly Fiorina.  Don't call me racist unless you would support Ben Carson.  I am neither racist nor sexist.  I am casting a vote for Trump because of who Hillary Clinton is, what she stands for, what she has done, and most of all, the people she surrounds herself with.

Hillary's "30 years in public service" worked out well for her and her husband, as they gained many millions of dollars in personal wealth, in part through expensive paid speeches to Wall Street, to which she is beholden and has given speeches talking about how she often has public and private views on issues that are completely different from each other.  She is also beholden to Foreign Governments who have given money to the Clinton Foundation, and donors who have given money to her campaign, mostly notably George Soros.  Hillary Clinton makes Richard Nixon look like a saint.  Power corrupts, especially when you've been in the establishment for so many years.  Not only should we create a constitutional amendment limiting the number of Congressional terms, but I propose one limiting Political Dynasty families.  We don't need another Clinton in the White House.  We don't need another Bush in the White House.  Why don't we disallow parents, children, spouses, and siblings of a President from ever becoming President?  This isn't a Monarchy.

In any case, come Tuesday, a terrible candidate is going to be elected to be the next President of the United States.  Hillary represents the status quo.  If we're cool with killing all those people overseas, destroying America from within, large Government, corruption, and all the entities she's beholden to, vote for Clinton.  Trump isn't much better though.  His hateful and dangerous rhetoric, enormous ego, convenient claim to Christianity, and awful and empty slogan to "Make America Great Again" are worrisome.  He has the potential to be a terrible President, but he is also the candidate who represents change.  I trust the people he surrounds himself with more than I trust him.  That same thing can't be said for Hillary.  I don't have a horse in this race really.  I endorsed Gary Johnson.  But I've decided to vote for Trump.  May God have mercy on my soul.

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